Calculadora de cambio de aire Cfm

The rate at which air is exchanged (in the premises) represents another method of measuring ventilation capacity & effectiveness. Air exchange rate is typically expressed in Air Changes per Hour – “ACH”. Air changes per hour can be estimated by determining the total air supplied to, and removed from, the premises “total air exchange” or the outdoor (fresh) air supplied to, and removed from, the premises “outdoor air exchange”.

Esta tabla proporciona cambios de aire sugeridos por hora (ACH) en condiciones normales según una buena experiencia.

Salas de reuniones

4 – 8

salones de peluqueria

10 – 15


20 – 30

Hospitales – esterilización

15 – 25

Bancos/sociedades de construcción

4 – 8

Hospitales – salas

6 – 8


6 – 10

Cocinas – domésticas

15 – 20


2 – 4

Cocinas# - comercial

30 mínimo

Salas de billar*

6 – 8


6 – 15

Salas de calderas

15 – 30


10 – 15

Cafés y cafeterías

10 – 12


10 – 30


8 – 12


6 – 15


3 – 10

Salas de conferencias

5 – 8

Vestuarios Zona principal

6 – 10


3 – 5

Vestuarios Zona de duchas

15 – 20


3 – 6


1 – 3

Casas de hongos

6 – 10

Cines y teatros*

10 – 15


6 – 10

Salas Club

12 mínimo

Talleres de pintura (no celulosa)

10 – 20

Salas de compresores

10 – 20

Cuartos oscuros de fotografía y rayos X

10 – 15

Salas de conferencias

8 – 12

bares de tabernas

12 mínimo


8 – 10

Salas de control de grabación

15 – 25

Salones de baile

12 mínimo

Estudios de grabación

10 – 12

Cirugías dentales

12 – 15


8 – 12

Trabajos de tinte

20 – 30


5 – 7

Talleres de galvanoplastia

10 – 12

Tiendas y supermercados

8 – 15

Salas de máquinas

15 – 30

Baños de ducha

15 – 20

Halls de entrada y pasillos

3 – 5

Tiendas y almacenes

3 – 6

Fábricas y talleres

8 – 10

Pistas de squash

4 mínimo


15 – 30

Baños de natación

10 – 15


6 – 8


6 – 10

Casas de vidrio

25 – 60

Cuartos de servicio

15 – 20


6 mínimo

Talleres de soldadura

15 – 30

*Aumente en un 50% cuando se fuma mucho o si la habitación está bajo tierra.

#Algunas cocinas comerciales pueden requerir tasas de ventilación más altas, según el equipo de cocina utilizado.


What is the significance of air changes per hour (ACH) in ventilation systems?
Air changes per hour (ACH) is a crucial parameter in ventilation systems as it directly affects indoor air quality, occupant comfort, and energy consumption. ACH measures the rate at which air is exchanged in a premises, influencing the removal of pollutants, moisture, and heat. Adequate ACH ensures a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, while insufficient ACH can lead to poor air quality, discomfort, and even health issues.
How do I calculate the total air exchange rate in a premises?

To calculate the total air exchange rate, you need to determine the total air supplied to and removed from the premises. This can be done by summing up the airflow rates of all supply and exhaust fans, as well as any natural ventilation sources. The total air exchange rate is then divided by the volume of the premises to obtain the air changes per hour (ACH). For example, if the total air supplied is 10,000 CFM and the premises has a volume of 50,000 cubic feet, the total air exchange rate would be 10,000 CFM / 50,000 cu.ft = 0.2 air changes per hour.

What is the difference between total air exchange and outdoor air exchange?

Total air exchange refers to the total amount of air supplied to and removed from a premises, including recirculated air. Outdoor air exchange, on the other hand, only considers the fresh air brought in from outside and exhausted to the outdoors. While total air exchange provides a broader picture of ventilation, outdoor air exchange is a more direct indicator of the premises’ ability to remove pollutants and provide fresh air to occupants.

How do I determine the required air changes per hour for a specific space?

The required air changes per hour (ACH) for a specific space depends on various factors, including occupancy, activity level, and desired indoor air quality. The table provided in the blog post offers suggested ACH values for different spaces under normal conditions. However, it’s essential to consult relevant standards, such as ASHRAE 62.1, and consider specific requirements for your project. Additionally, you may need to perform calculations based on the space’s volume, occupancy, and ventilation system design.

Can I use air changes per hour to estimate ventilation system sizing?

Air changes per hour (ACH) can be used as a rough estimate for ventilation system sizing, but it’s not a direct correlation. ACH provides a general indication of the required ventilation rate, but it doesn’t account for factors like duct losses, fan efficiency, and heat gain/loss. To accurately size a ventilation system, you should perform detailed calculations considering these factors, as well as the specific requirements of your project.

How does air changes per hour impact energy consumption in HVAC systems?

Air changes per hour (ACH) has a significant impact on energy consumption in HVAC systems. Higher ACH values require more energy to operate fans, heat, and cool the air. Conversely, lower ACH values can lead to reduced energy consumption. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between ACH and energy efficiency, as inadequate ventilation can lead to poor indoor air quality and occupant discomfort. Optimizing ACH based on the specific needs of your project can help minimize energy consumption while maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment.