Download del software cooltools

CoolTools è un adattamento moderno diCoolPack. CoolTools è una raccolta di modelli di simulazione per sistemi di refrigerazione e ciascuno di essi ha uno scopo specifico, ad esempio analisi del ciclo, dimensionamento dei componenti principali, analisi energetica e ottimizzazione.

Ambiente software CoolTools

Sono coperti i seguenti scopi di simulazione:

  • Analisi del ciclo (progettazione del processo) – confronto tra un ciclo ad espansione diretta ad uno stadio e un ciclo allagato ad uno stadio.
  • Dimensionamento del sistema – calcolo delle dimensioni dei componenti da criteri generali.
  • Simulazione del sistema: calcolo delle condizioni operative in un sistema con componenti noti.
  • Calcoli dei componenti: calcolo dell'efficienza dei componenti e delle condizioni di uscita.
  • Valutazione del funzionamento – valutazione dell'efficienza del sistema.
  • Indagine di processo – ad esempio calcoli sull'aria umida.




What types of refrigeration system simulations can CoolTools perform?
CoolTools is a collection of simulation models that can perform various types of refrigeration system simulations, including cycle analysis, system sizing, system simulation, component calculations, evaluation of operation, and process investigation. These simulations enable users to design, analyze, and optimize refrigeration systems for optimal performance and efficiency.
What is the difference between one stage direct expansion cycle and one stage flooded cycle in CoolTools?

In CoolTools, the cycle analysis simulation allows users to compare the performance of one stage direct expansion cycle and one stage flooded cycle. The direct expansion cycle uses a single stage of compression and expansion to cool the refrigerant, whereas the flooded cycle uses a flooded evaporator and a single stage of compression and expansion. This comparison enables users to determine which cycle is more suitable for their specific refrigeration system design.

How does CoolTools perform system sizing calculations?

CoolTools performs system sizing calculations by using general criteria to determine the required component sizes for a refrigeration system. This includes calculating the capacities of components such as compressors, condensers, and evaporators based on factors such as cooling load, temperature, and flow rates. The software provides users with accurate and optimized component sizes to ensure efficient system operation.

What kind of component calculations can CoolTools perform?

CoolTools can perform detailed component calculations, including the calculation of component efficiencies and outlet conditions. This includes calculating the performance of individual components such as compressors, heat exchangers, and expansion valves, as well as their impact on overall system efficiency. This information enables users to optimize component selection and system design for improved performance and efficiency.

How does CoolTools evaluate the operation of a refrigeration system?

CoolTools evaluates the operation of a refrigeration system by calculating system efficiency and identifying areas for improvement. The software takes into account various operating conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and flow rates, to determine the system’s overall performance. This information enables users to identify opportunities for optimization and improve system efficiency, reducing energy consumption and operating costs.

What kind of process investigations can CoolTools perform?

CoolTools can perform various process investigations, including moist air calculations, to analyze the behavior of refrigeration systems under different operating conditions. This includes calculating the properties of moist air, such as humidity and enthalpy, and their impact on system performance. This information enables users to design and optimize refrigeration systems for specific applications and operating conditions.