Carrier Plv Pro 下载

开利的 PLV Pro 是一款软件工具,使咨询工程师能够就其冷水机组设计做出客观且明智的决策,而不仅仅是满载和 IPLV 指标。 结果以专业报告或 .csv 格式提供,以供进一步分析。 该工具适用于需要快速且免费的详细能源建模分析替代方案的专业人士。

PLV Pro 用户界面

许多工程师和设施经理都知道,满负荷和综合部分负荷值 (IPLV) 可能无法提供现实世界中多冷水机中央工厂性能的完整、准确的描述,但他们经常依靠它们,因为详细的能源建模分析可能成本高昂且耗时。

Scott McDonough(开利商业全球设备产品管理副总监)

PLV Pro™ 计算可纳入设备规格的自定义 PLV 系数,并可用于计算工厂中水冷式冷水机的自定义部分负载值 (CPLV)。 虽然该工具使用起来快速且简单,但它会执行详细的冷水机组分析以得出自定义 PLV 系数。


定制 PLV 是根据当地项目条件定制的年度绩效指标。 它在概念上类似于综合部分负荷值 (IPLV)。 然而,IPLV 使用的条件基于一组标准数据和假设:美国平均天气数据、常见建筑负载曲线的加权平均值、包含单个冷水机组的工厂以及有关标准冷却塔性能的假设。

相比之下,CPLV 会考虑项目天气条件、特定于应用的负载曲线、冷水机组的数量、分级控制、流量、流量控制和冷却塔性能,以生成特定于的权重因子和进入冷凝器水温 (ECWT)。你的项目。

以这种方式计算的 CPLV 是根据您的项目条件定制的年度性能指标,因此为评估项目所考虑的产品的性能提供了更好的基础。

什么是自定义 PLV 因素?

就像 IPLV 一样,CPLV 是根据四个负载点(100%、75%、50%、25% 冷水机组负载)的冷水机组性能和相应的 ECWT 计算得出的加权平均 kW/Ton(或 ikW/kW),并结合四个权重因素。

自定义 PLV 因子的推导使用与最初用于推导 IPLV 的权重因子和 ECWT 相同的基本原则,但 CPLV 的推导使用当地项目条件。

自定义 PLV 是如何计算的?

CPLV 的计算公式与 IPLV 相同:

CPLV = 1 / [ (W100/A) + (W75/B) + (W50/C) + (W25/D)]

其中 A、B、C、D 是 100%、75%、50% 和 25% 负载点的冷水机 kW/ton 或 ikW/kW 值,在四个定制 ECWT 上计算。 W100、W75、W50 和 W25 是 100%、75%、50% 和 25% 负载点的四个自定义权重因子。


PLV Pro 使用以下数据和假设计算自定义 PLV 因子:

  • 项目位置的温度箱天气数据,根据应用程序建筑类型的运行时间表进行定制。
  • 根据项目位置和建筑类型定制的建筑冷负荷曲线。 PLV Pro 包含使用 Carrier 的每小时分析程序 (HAP) 能源建模软件针对程序中提供的所有建筑类型和位置组合预先计算的数千个独特的负载曲线。 配置文件已标准化,因此可以根据项目的峰值建筑负载进行缩放。
  • 详细的冷水机组模拟考虑了天气、建筑负载以及冷水机组配置和控制。
  • 多台冷水机并联。 假设冷却器具有相同的容量。
  • 冷却器按加载顺序或同等卸载顺序排列。
  • 用户指定的设计 ECWT 和最小 ECWT。
  • 用户指定的蒸发器和冷凝器流量。
  • 恒定的主蒸发器流量或可变的主流量。 可变一次流量假定调节量为设计流量的 40%。
  • 用户指定的冷却塔设计条件,包括设计湿球和方法。
  • 冷却塔性能的详细热力学模型,用于在给定的天气情况、负载情况和冷水机组运行条件下准确评估 ECWTS。
  • 报告列出了自定义 PLV 因子并解释了冷水机组的运行,并记录了自定义权重因子和 ECWT 的推导。

下载 PLV Pro™



What are the limitations of using Full Load and IPLV metrics in chiller plant design?
Full Load and IPLV metrics provide a limited view of chiller plant performance, as they do not account for part-load conditions, which are common in real-world applications. This can lead to oversizing or undersizing of chillers, resulting in energy inefficiencies and increased costs. Additionally, these metrics do not consider other important factors such as chiller sequencing, load diversity, and system interactions.
How does Carrier’s PLV Pro software tool address the limitations of Full Load and IPLV metrics?

PLV Pro provides a more comprehensive analysis of chiller plant performance by considering part-load conditions, chiller sequencing, and system interactions. It also accounts for other important factors such as load diversity, condenser water temperature, and evaporator temperature. This enables consulting engineers to make more informed decisions about their chiller plant design and optimize system performance.

What types of reports and data formats are available in PLV Pro?

PLV Pro provides professional reports and .csv format data for further analysis. The reports include detailed information on chiller plant performance, including energy consumption, capacity, and efficiency. The .csv format data allows users to easily import and analyze the data in other software tools or spreadsheets.

Who is the target audience for Carrier’s PLV Pro software tool?

The PLV Pro software tool is designed for consulting engineers, facility managers, and other professionals who need a quick and free-of-charge alternative to detailed energy modeling analyses. It is particularly useful for those who require a more comprehensive analysis of chiller plant performance beyond Full Load and IPLV metrics.

How does PLV Pro compare to detailed energy modeling analyses?

PLV Pro provides a faster and more cost-effective alternative to detailed energy modeling analyses. While it may not provide the same level of detail and accuracy as a detailed energy model, it offers a more comprehensive analysis of chiller plant performance than traditional Full Load and IPLV metrics. PLV Pro is ideal for preliminary design studies, feasibility analyses, and optimization of existing chiller plants.

What are some common applications of Carrier’s PLV Pro software tool?

PLV Pro can be used for a variety of applications, including chiller plant design, retrofitting, and optimization. It is particularly useful for evaluating different chiller plant configurations, comparing the performance of different chillers, and identifying opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. Additionally, PLV Pro can be used to support energy audits, feasibility studies, and LEED certification projects.

How does Carrier’s PLV Pro software tool address the limitations of Full Load and IPLV metrics?

PLV Pro provides a more comprehensive analysis of chiller plant performance by considering part-load conditions, chiller sequencing, and system interactions. It also accounts for other important factors such as load diversity, condenser water temperature, and evaporator temperature. This enables consulting engineers to make more informed decisions about their chiller plant design and optimize system performance.

How does Carrier’s PLV Pro software tool address the limitations of Full Load and IPLV metrics?

PLV Pro provides a more comprehensive analysis of chiller plant performance by considering part-load conditions, chiller sequencing, and system interactions. It also accounts for other important factors such as load diversity, condenser water temperature, and evaporator temperature. This enables consulting engineers to make more informed decisions about their chiller plant design and optimize system performance.

Who is the target audience for Carrier’s PLV Pro software tool?

The PLV Pro software tool is designed for consulting engineers, facility managers, and other professionals who need a quick and free-of-charge alternative to detailed energy modeling analyses. It is particularly useful for those who require a more comprehensive analysis of chiller plant performance beyond Full Load and IPLV metrics.

What are some common applications of Carrier’s PLV Pro software tool?

PLV Pro can be used for a variety of applications, including chiller plant design, retrofitting, and optimization. It is particularly useful for evaluating different chiller plant configurations, comparing the performance of different chillers, and identifying opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. Additionally, PLV Pro can be used to support energy audits, feasibility studies, and LEED certification projects.