
An HVAC humidifier is a device or system that is used to add moisture to the air in a home or other environment. The device works by taking in dry air from the environment and passing it over a wet surface or through a spray of water. The water evaporates into the air and increases the humidity of the air in the environment. This is beneficial for many reasons, including increasing the comfort of the occupants, reducing dust and allergens in the air, and helping to protect wood furniture and floors from cracking or warping due to dry air. Additionally, a properly functioning HVAC humidifier can help reduce energy costs as it allows the HVAC system to operate more efficiently.

HVAC Humidifier

When the condition of the air entering a spray washer is humid, it can be expected to be humidified. However, if the spray is cooler than the air and the dew point, the vapour pressure of the spray will be lower than that of the moisture in the air and some moisture will be transferred into the spray water – resulting in dehumidification.

Spray washers are used to take out some of the dirt particles in the air, and the water pressure is usually between 200 and 300kPa, with the air velocity ranging from 2 to 2.5 m/s. To keep them clean and bacteria-free, these washers need to be regularly cleaned and treated, and their water quality must be supervised and recorded. Due to the numerous cases of Legionnaires’ disease caused by air conditioning systems, the Health and Safety Executive has singled out spray washers as a potential danger to health.

Modern air-processing systems may incorporate steam injection humidifiers, but these shouldn’t be positioned right after the cooling coil. At this point, the air will likely be near the point of saturation (100% RH) and unable to absorb any more moisture. Thus, it’s better to inject the super-heated, dry steam at over 200°C into the air close to its final release.

Humudifier Applications

Humidifiers are used in a variety of applications, including residential and commercial settings, such as homes, offices, hospitals, schools, and factories. In residential settings, humidifiers are used to improve air quality, provide relief from dry air, and reduce static electricity. In commercial settings, they are used to maintain optimal levels of humidity for workers, products, and processes. Humidifiers can also be used in industrial settings to prevent corrosion and improve productivity.

Types of HVAC Humidifiers

There are two primary types of HVAC humidifiers: evaporative and steam. Evaporative humidifiers use a wick and fan system to absorb water from a reservoir, and then blow it into the air. Steam humidifiers use an electric heating element to boil water and then blow the resulting steam into the air. Both types of humidifiers have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to consider the particular needs of the space before selecting an appropriate humidifier.

HVAC Humidifier Selection and Sizing

The selection of the correct humidifier for an HVAC system depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the building, the climate, the amount of humidity desired, and the type of HVAC system. Each type of humidifier has its own advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, the installation of multiple types of humidifiers may be necessary to achieve the desired humidity level.

Once the appropriate type of humidifier has been selected, it is important to ensure that the size of the humidifier is appropriate for the size of the building. Generally, a larger humidifier is recommended for larger buildings, as it will be able to provide more humidity to the air. However, it is possible to use a smaller humidifier in a larger building if the humidity level needs to be kept at a lower level. It is important to consult a professional to ensure the correct size is selected.

The following steps should be taken to ensure proper sizing when selecting a humidifier for an HVAC system:

1. Determine the air flow rate of the system.
2. Calculate the desired humidity level.
3. Calculate the total humidity requirement.
4. Determine the air velocity over the humidifier.
5. Select the appropriate humidifier size based on the total humidity requirement.
6. Calculate the humidifier’s energy consumption.
7. Select a humidifier that is capable of meeting the energy requirements.
8. Consider any additional features needed for the system.

HVAC Humidifiers Manufacturers

If you’re in the market for an HVAC humidifier, it can be overwhelming to sort through all the different companies and models available. That’s why we’ve created a markdown table to help you compare some of the most well-known companies that produce these humidifiers.

Offers a range of humidifiers for residential and commercial use, including steam humidifiers, evaporative humidifiers, and ultrasonic humidifiers.
Specializes in whole-home humidifiers for residential use. Offers both bypass and fan-powered models.
Offers a range of humidifiers for residential and commercial use, including bypass humidifiers and steam humidifiers.
Produces a range of humidifiers, including whole-house models, bypass humidifiers, and steam humidifiers.
Offers a range of whole-home humidifiers, including bypass humidifiers and steam humidifiers.
Produces both residential and commercial humidifiers, including bypass and fan-powered models.
Offers a range of humidifiers, including whole-room models and evaporative humidifiers.
Essick Air
Produces a range of whole-house humidifiers, including bypass and fan-powered models.
Produces a range of humidifiers, including whole-house models, ultrasonic humidifiers, and cool mist humidifiers.
Offers a range of humidifiers, including ultrasonic humidifiers and evaporative humidifiers for both residential and commercial use.
Humidifiers Manufacturers


What are the benefits of using an HVAC humidifier in a home or building?
The benefits of using an HVAC humidifier include increasing the comfort of occupants, reducing dust and allergens in the air, and helping to protect wood furniture and floors from cracking or warping due to dry air. Additionally, a properly functioning HVAC humidifier can help reduce energy costs as it allows the HVAC system to operate more efficiently. By maintaining a optimal humidity level, humidifiers can also prevent dry skin, nosebleeds, and respiratory issues.
How does a humidifier work to add moisture to the air?

A humidifier works by taking in dry air from the environment and passing it over a wet surface or through a spray of water. The water evaporates into the air, increasing the humidity of the air in the environment. This process is often facilitated by a fan that blows the air over the wet surface or through the spray, allowing for efficient evaporation and humidification.

What is the relationship between dew point and dehumidification in a spray washer?

In a spray washer, dehumidification occurs when the spray is at a lower temperature than the air and the dew point of the air. The dew point is the temperature at which the air becomes saturated with water vapor and can no longer hold any more moisture. When the spray is cooler than the air, the air reaches its dew point, causing the water vapor to condense into droplets, effectively dehumidifying the air.

How can I determine the optimal humidity level for my home or building?

The optimal humidity level for a home or building depends on various factors, including the outdoor climate, indoor activities, and occupant comfort. A general rule of thumb is to maintain a relative humidity (RH) between 30% and 60%. However, this can vary depending on the specific circumstances. For example, in colder climates, a lower RH may be necessary to prevent condensation, while in hotter climates, a higher RH may be required to maintain comfort.

What types of humidifiers are available, and what are their advantages and disadvantages?

There are several types of humidifiers available, including evaporative humidifiers, ultrasonic humidifiers, and steam humidifiers. Evaporative humidifiers are the most common type and work by blowing air over a wet wick or filter. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain but can be noisy and produce a white dust. Ultrasonic humidifiers use high-frequency sound waves to create a fine mist and are quieter and more energy-efficient than evaporative humidifiers. Steam humidifiers use electricity to heat water and produce steam, which is then released into the air. They are often more expensive than other types but can be more effective in very dry environments.

How often should I maintain and clean my humidifier to ensure optimal performance?

It is recommended to maintain and clean your humidifier regularly to ensure optimal performance and prevent bacterial growth. The frequency of maintenance depends on the type of humidifier and usage. For example, evaporative humidifiers may need to be cleaned every 1-2 weeks, while ultrasonic humidifiers may only need to be cleaned every 4-6 weeks. It is also important to replace filters and clean the tank and other components according to the manufacturer’s instructions.