Below is a comprehensive list of all the major HVAC system types and related equipment:

The System Types include:
- Air Distribution
- Cooling
- Heat Rejection
- Cooling Pump
- Heating
- Heating Pump
- Control
- Miscellaneous
Equipment Details:
Air Distribution
- Air handling unit, constant volume
- Air handling unit, constant volume reheat
- Air handling unit, dual duct
- Air handling unit, multizone
- Air handling unit, single zone
- Air handling unit, variable air volume
- Air handling unit, variable volume, variable temperature
- Evaporative cooling unit, direct
- Fan coil unit
- Heating and ventilating system
- Heat pump, air-to-air
- Heat pump, water-to-air, geothermal application
- Heat pump, water-source
- Heat pump, water-to-water, geothermal application
- Packaged DX unit, air-cooled
- Packaged DX unit, rooftop
- Packaged DX unit, water-cooled
- Packaged terminal air conditioner/heat pump
- Residential furn. and pkg’ed condensing unit/heat pump
- Split DX system
- Other air distribution equipment
- Evaporative cooling unit, indirect
- Chiller, absorption, indirect-fired, dual-stage
- Chiller, absorption, indirect-fired, single-stage
- Chiller, air-cooled reciprocating
- Chiller, air-cooled rotary (screw)
- Chiller, centrifugal
- Chiller, gas engine driven, centrifugal
- Chiller, heat recovery, centrifugal
- Chiller, water-cooled reciprocating
- Chiller, water-cooled rotary (screw)
- District cooling
- Heat exchanger, horizontal ground
- Heat exchanger, horizontal (trench) ground
- Heat exchanger, ground water, aquifers
- Heat exchanger, ground water, standing column well
- Heat exchanger, potable water
- Heat exchanger, vertical bore
- Heat exchanger, surface water, closed loop
- Heat exchanger, surface water, open loop
- Heat exchanger, wastewater
- Municipal water plant
- Other cooling equipment
- Chiller, absorption, direct-fired, dual-stage
- Chiller, absorption, direct-fired, single-stage
- Chiller, gas engine driven, rotary (screw)
- Chiller, heat recovery, rotary (screw)
Heat Rejection
- Condenser, air-cooled
- Condenser, evaporative
- Condenser, water-cooled
- Cooler, closed circuit
- Cooling tower, ceramic
- Cooling tower, fiberglass
- Cooling tower, metal
- Cooling tower, wood
- Heat exchanger, condenser water
- Heat exchanger, water-to-water
- Other heat rejection equipment
Cooling Pump
- Centrifugal pump, close-coupled, end-suction
- Centrifugal pump, frame-mounted, end-suction
- Centrifugal pump, split-case, multistage pump
- Centrifugal pump, split-case, single stage
- Centrifugal pump, vertical in-line
- Centrifugal pump, vertical turbine
- Condensate pump
- Other pump type
- Boiler, cast iron
- Boiler, electric hot water
- Boiler, electric steam
- Boiler, steel fire-tube, forced draft, hot water
- Boiler, steel fire-tube, forced draft, steam
- Boiler, steel fire-tube, natural draft, hot water
- Boiler, steel fire-tube, natural draft, steam
- Boiler, steel water-tube, forced draft, hot water
- Boiler, steel water-tube, forced draft, steam
- Boiler, steel water-tube, natural draft, hot water
- Boiler, steel water-tube, natural draft, steam
- Chiller, heat recovery, centrifugal
- District heating
- Heat exchanger, horizontal ground
- Heat exchanger, horizontal (trench) ground
- Heat exchanger, ground water, aquifers
- Heat exchanger, ground water, standing column well
- Heat exchanger, potable water
- Heat exchanger, vertical bore
- Heat exchanger, surface water, closed loop
- Heat exchanger, surface water, open loop
- Heat exchanger, wastewater
- Heat exchanger, water-to-water
- Municipal water plant
- Other heating equipment
- Chiller, heat recovery, rotary (screw)
Heating Pump
- Centrifugal pump, close-coupled, end-suction
- Centrifugal pump, frame-mounted, end-suction
- Centrifugal pump, split-case, multistage pump
- Centrifugal pump, split-case, single stage
- Centrifugal pump, vertical in-line
- Centrifugal pump, vertical turbine
- Condensate pump
- Other pump type
- Energy mgmt. system, all electronic components
- Energy mgmt. system, all pneumatic components
- Energy mgmt. system, direct digital controls
- Energy mgmt. system, hybrid system with elec./pneumatic components
- Manual control
- Pneumatic controls
- Thermostats, electric
- Thermostats, programmable
- Time clock
- Other control system
- Baseboard/Finned Tube Radiation
- Cogeneration
- Computer room air conditioning unit, chilled water
- Computer room air conditioning unit, water-cooled DX compressor
- Dehumidifier, liquid dessicant
- Desuperheaters
- Domestic hot water heater, electric
- Domestic hot water heater, natural gas
- Domestic hot water heater, propane
- Domestic hot water heater with geothermal heat pump assistance
- Exhaust fan
- Fresh Air Units
- Fume Hoods/Cabinets
- Heat exchanger, plate and frame
- Heat exchanger, heat pipe
- Heat exchanger, heat wheel
- Heat exchanger, hot water
- Heat exchanger, run-around loop
- Heat exchanger, thermosiphon
- Heat recovery unit, air-to-air
- Heat pump water heater
- Humidifiers
- Ionizers
- Odor control
- Perimeter heating, supplemental heating
- Radiant panel heating
- Refrigeration equipment (ice machines, walk-in coolers/freezers)
- Smoke control
- Solar water heater
- Thermal storage, chilled water
- Thermal storage, ice
- Unit heater, electric
- Unit heater, natural gas
- Unit heater, propane
- Window air conditioners
- Other miscellaneous equipment
- Dehumidifier, direct expansion
- Dehumidifier, solid dessicant