Gráfico Psicrométrico Interativo

Os termos psicrometria e psicrometria referem-se ao estudo do ar úmido e suas propriedades termodinâmicas. Embora obviamente importantes na concepção de sistemas de ar condicionado, estes conceitos são também fundamentais para a compreensão de muitos aspectos do conforto térmico em edifícios e dos princípios do design responsivo ao clima.

A interface amigável permite adicionar ou remover linhas para várias métricas ou destacar linhas individuais para apresentações dinâmicas. Simplifique análises complexas de conforto com nosso aplicativo, projetado para melhorar a compreensão e promover o uso eficiente de energia.

Recursos interessantes

  • Os usuários podem manipular o indicador atual para ver valores relevantes, selecionar indicadores de conforto para exibir e sobrepor a Carta Bioclimática Givoni.
  • Os usuários podem ajustar a temperatura média externa do ar e rastreá-la com base nos dados meteorológicos carregados por hora.
  • O aplicativo permite carregar e exibir cálculos EnergyPlus e os resultados podem ser selecionados usando a guia Eixo de Dados.
  • A sobreposição de dados padrão pode ser alterada e, para dados de grade, os usuários podem exibir valores médios, mínimos ou máximos.
  • Um seletor de intervalo de datas está disponível para alterações interativas e os usuários podem adicionar suas próprias linhas ao gráfico. Por último, os dados psicrométricos podem ser visualizados e salvos como arquivos JSON ou CSV.

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Gráfico Psicrométrico Interativo

Fonte: Dr.



What is psychrometry, and why is it important in building design?
Psychrometry is the study of moist air and its thermodynamic properties, which is crucial in understanding thermal comfort in buildings and climate-responsive design. In building design, psychrometry helps architects and engineers design air conditioning systems that provide optimal indoor air quality and thermal comfort while minimizing energy consumption. By understanding the properties of moist air, designers can create buildings that are more energy-efficient, sustainable, and comfortable for occupants.
How does the interactive psychrometric chart enhance comfort analysis?

The interactive psychrometric chart simplifies complex comfort analyses by allowing users to visualize and manipulate various comfort metrics, such as temperature, humidity, and enthalpy. By overlaying different metrics and comfort charts, users can quickly identify areas of discomfort and optimize their designs for better thermal comfort. The chart also enables users to adjust parameters, such as outdoor air temperature, and track the impact on indoor air conditions, making it an invaluable tool for designers and engineers.

What is the Givoni Bioclimatic Chart, and how is it used in the interactive psychrometric chart?

The Givoni Bioclimatic Chart is a graphical representation of the relationships between temperature, humidity, and wind speed that affect human comfort. In the interactive psychrometric chart, the Givoni Bioclimatic Chart is overlaid on the psychrometric chart, allowing users to visualize the comfort zone and identify areas of discomfort. By selecting different comfort indicators and adjusting parameters, users can use the Givoni Bioclimatic Chart to optimize their designs for better thermal comfort and energy efficiency.

How does the interactive psychrometric chart integrate with EnergyPlus calculations?

The interactive psychrometric chart allows users to load and display EnergyPlus calculations, which can be selected using the Data Axis tab. EnergyPlus is a building energy simulation software that calculates building energy consumption and indoor air conditions. By integrating EnergyPlus calculations with the psychrometric chart, users can visualize the impact of different design parameters on building energy consumption and indoor air quality, enabling more accurate and efficient design decisions.

What types of data can be loaded and displayed on the interactive psychrometric chart?

The interactive psychrometric chart allows users to load and display various types of data, including hourly weather data, EnergyPlus calculations, and grid data. Users can select average, minimum, or maximum values for grid data and adjust the default data overlay to suit their needs. The chart also features a date range selector, enabling users to analyze and visualize data for specific time periods.

How can the interactive psychrometric chart be used for dynamic presentations and explanations?

The interactive psychrometric chart is designed to facilitate dynamic presentations and explanations. Users can add or remove lines for various metrics, highlight individual lines, and adjust parameters to illustrate complex concepts and relationships. The chart’s interactive features enable presenters to engage their audience and provide a more immersive learning experience.

What are some potential applications of the interactive psychrometric chart in building design and research?

The interactive psychrometric chart has numerous applications in building design and research, including climate-responsive design, thermal comfort analysis, and building energy simulation. It can be used to optimize building designs for better energy efficiency, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. Researchers can also use the chart to analyze and visualize large datasets, identify trends and patterns, and develop new comfort models and design guidelines.

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