Bell & Gossett Selection Softwares

A Bell & Gossett da Xylem é um fabricante líder de bombas, válvulas, trocadores de calor e acessórios para aplicações de encanamento, águas residuais e HVAC — incluindo vapor e transferência de calor.

Portanto, decidimos fornecer alguns dos softwares que esta empresa apresentou à comunidade de engenheiros para download. SISTEMA SYZER e PSICOROMETRIA DO SISTEMA SYZER estão disponíveis como link direto e o restante está vinculado ao site de referência:

Xylem Bell & Gosset


Versão 4:

  • Opção de idioma espanhol
  • Suporte para tubo de PVC
  • Mais informações sobre propriedades fluidas
  • Ícones de bloqueio para indicar qual variável deve ser resolvida
  • Padrões de dimensionamento de tubos ASHRAE 90.1
  • Custo estimado de energia da bomba com base no tamanho do tubo
  • Ajuda para calcular a perda de carga do sistema
  • Biblioteca de acessórios, redutores e válvulas
  • Calculadora NPSHa com suporte a sistema aberto e fechado
  • Cálculos expandidos do tamanho do tubo até 48″ de diâmetro
  • Exibições de números de Reynolds, taxas de fluxo, rugosidade relativa e fatores de atrito, juntamente com perda por atrito e valores de velocidade
  • Um recurso de correção de viscosidade que permite ao usuário ajustar diferentes temperaturas da água de até 350ºF e concentrações e temperaturas variadas de etileno, propilenoglicol e outros fluidos com propriedades conhecidas.
  • Uma seção de equilíbrio com dados predefinidos e de medição para válvulas Circuit Setter, Large Circuit Setter e Triple Duty. A seção também permite ajustes de cálculo com base no tipo de fluido e possui um gerador de relatórios para auxiliar os contratantes de balanceamento.
  • Para executar o programa System Syzer, um computador pessoal deve ter um processador mínimo de 386; 4 MB de RAM; cerca de 1 MB de espaço livre em disco e sistema operacional Windows 3.1 ou superior




A ferramenta SYSTEM SYZER PSYCHROMETRY é útil para engenharia de projeto que precisa resolver uma variedade de questões relacionadas ao processo de resfriamento da bobina. Características incluem:

  • O processo de resfriamento é representado graficamente no gráfico e animado para mostrar a direção da transferência de calor
  • Calcula múltiplas características psicométricas com base em duas entradas
  • Calcula o fluxo de massa e a carga de resfriamento (BTU)
  • Temperatura/umidade diurna projetada integrada para 100 cidades dos EUA
  • Determina a taxa de condensação da bobina
  • Mostre as condições do ar externo em tempo real inserindo um endereço XML do site meteorológico


Outras ferramentas de seleção, dimensionamento e CAD da Bell & Gossett

Ferramentas de seleção geral

  • ESP-PLUSpara bombas centrífugas B&G, bombas de reforço, acessórios de bomba e separador de ar
  • ESP-PARTSpara seleção de peças de reposição
  • ESP-TANKSSeleção do tanque de expansão
  • Desenhos CADpara desenhos dimensionais 2D e 3D em vários formatos
  • ESP-PICVé uma maneira rápida e fácil de dimensionar e selecionar válvulas de controle independentes de pressão Ultra Setter usando apenas sua vazão. Isso elimina a necessidade de examinar documentos técnicos ou catálogos para dimensionar as válvulas de controle corretas para o seu trabalho. Basta inserir a vazão necessária e o ESP-PICV mostra todas as válvulas Ultra Setter que podem atender a essa vazão. Você também pode encontrar modelos CAD e envios de válvulas e, depois de fazer todas as suas seleções, clique em “Enviar” e poderá solicitar preços ao seu representante local.

Seleção de produtos para trocadores de calor

Valores de redução de pressão de vapor + água

Outras ferramentas de dimensionamento


What is SYSTEM SYZER and how can it benefit HVAC engineers?
SYSTEM SYZER is a software tool developed by Bell & Gossett, a leading manufacturer of pumps, valves, heat exchangers, and accessories for plumbing, wastewater, and HVAC applications. This software enables engineers to select and size Bell & Gossett products for their specific projects, ensuring accurate and efficient system design. By using SYSTEM SYZER, engineers can optimize their system design, reduce errors, and improve overall system performance.
What is the difference between SYSTEM SYZER and SYSTEM SYZER PSYCHROMETRY?

SYSTEM SYZER and SYSTEM SYZER PSYCHROMETRY are both software tools developed by Bell & Gossett, but they serve different purposes. SYSTEM SYZER is a general selection and sizing tool for Bell & Gossett products, while SYSTEM SYZER PSYCHROMETRY is a more specialized tool that focuses on psychrometric analysis and system design for HVAC applications. SYSTEM SYZER PSYCHROMETRY provides detailed calculations and analysis of air-side and water-side systems, making it a valuable resource for engineers designing complex HVAC systems.

How can I access Bell & Gossett’s selection and sizing software tools?

Bell & Gossett’s selection and sizing software tools, including SYSTEM SYZER and SYSTEM SYZER PSYCHROMETRY, are available for download on the company’s website. Some tools may require registration or login credentials, while others may be available as direct downloads. Additionally, the blog post provides direct links to some of the software tools, making it easy for engineers to access the resources they need.

What types of projects can benefit from using Bell & Gossett’s software tools?

Bell & Gossett’s software tools are designed to support a wide range of projects, including commercial and industrial HVAC systems, plumbing and wastewater systems, and steam and heat transfer applications. Engineers working on projects involving pumps, valves, heat exchangers, and accessories can benefit from using these software tools to select and size products accurately and efficiently.

Are Bell & Gossett’s software tools compatible with CAD systems?

Yes, Bell & Gossett’s software tools are designed to be compatible with CAD systems, allowing engineers to seamlessly integrate their designs and selections into their CAD workflows. This compatibility enables engineers to streamline their design process, reduce errors, and improve overall project efficiency.

How often are Bell & Gossett’s software tools updated, and what kind of support is available?

Bell & Gossett regularly updates its software tools to ensure they remain current and accurate. The company provides support for its software tools through various channels, including online resources, technical documentation, and customer support teams. Engineers can rely on Bell & Gossett’s software tools to provide accurate and reliable results, and can access support when needed to ensure successful project outcomes.

How can I access Bell & Gossett’s selection and sizing software tools?

Bell & Gossett’s selection and sizing software tools, including SYSTEM SYZER and SYSTEM SYZER PSYCHROMETRY, are available for download on the company’s website. Some tools may require registration or login credentials, while others may be available as direct downloads. Additionally, the blog post provides direct links to some of the software tools, making it easy for engineers to access the resources they need.

What types of projects can benefit from using Bell & Gossett’s software tools?

Bell & Gossett’s software tools are designed to support a wide range of projects, including commercial and industrial HVAC systems, plumbing and wastewater systems, and steam and heat transfer applications. Engineers working on projects involving pumps, valves, heat exchangers, and accessories can benefit from using these software tools to select and size products accurately and efficiently.

Are Bell & Gossett’s software tools compatible with CAD systems?

Yes, Bell & Gossett’s software tools are designed to be compatible with CAD systems, allowing engineers to seamlessly integrate their designs and selections into their CAD workflows. This compatibility enables engineers to streamline their design process, reduce errors, and improve overall project efficiency.

How often are Bell & Gossett’s software tools updated, and what kind of support is available?

Bell & Gossett regularly updates its software tools to ensure they remain current and accurate. The company provides support for its software tools through various channels, including online resources, technical documentation, and customer support teams. Engineers can rely on Bell & Gossett’s software tools to provide accurate and reliable results, and can access support when needed to ensure successful project outcomes.