Pack Calculation Pro 是一款用于比较制冷系统和热泵的年度能耗的应用程序。 除其他功能外,跨临界二氧化碳系统可以与传统系统进行比较。 该应用程序根据地理位置比较不同的系统。 Pack Calculation Pro 旨在通过计算每年的能耗以及生命周期成本 (LCC) 和总等效变暖影响 (TEWI) 来比较制冷或热泵项目的不同系统设计、控制策略和制冷剂。

传统上,制冷系统(和热泵)是根据单个工作点(通常在负载最高点附近的某个位置)来确定尺寸的。 这种方法可确保系统提供所需的冷却(或加热),但它也有一些缺点:
- 单点性能并不能说明其他工作点的性能——即部分负载性能
- 性能点通常会导致某些“标准”操作条件,在此条件下对组件进行评级和比较。 问题是大多数系统从未或很少在“标准”操作条件下运行,这本质上意味着大多数组件都是针对现实生活中罕见的条件进行设计和优化的(大多数压缩机将受益于较低的最佳压力比)例子…)
- 基于满负荷运行条件来评估节能措施的投资回收时间是很困难的……节能措施通常只在部分负荷条件下显示其价值。
这些缺点都在 Pack Calculation Pro 中得到了解决:
- 一年中每小时都会评估所定义系统的性能(= 8760 个操作点)
- 您可以清楚地了解系统实际满足您定义的需求(负载曲线)的情况,同时还可以了解部分负载性能
- 您可以选择世界各地 700 多个地点的天气数据
- 您可以在完全相同的负载和环境条件下比较系统,评估节能措施的效果
- 您可以比较系统的能耗,还可以进行经济计算——投资回收期和生命周期成本——并比较不同系统的二氧化碳排放量。
- Pack Calculation Pro 包含 7000 多种商用压缩机的模型(基于制造商数据),这确保您能够对大多数系统进行建模,同样重要的是,您可以获得不基于理论假设的非设计操作结果。
Pack Calculation Pro takes into account the local climate and weather patterns of a specific geographical location when calculating the yearly energy consumption of refrigeration systems and heat pumps. This ensures that the results are tailored to the specific region and provide a more accurate representation of the system’s performance.
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is a method of evaluating the total cost of ownership of a refrigeration system or heat pump over its entire lifespan. Pack Calculation Pro calculates LCC by considering factors such as initial investment, operating costs, maintenance costs, and disposal costs. This provides users with a comprehensive understanding of the long-term financial implications of their system design choices.
Pack Calculation Pro calculates Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) by considering the direct and indirect emissions of a refrigeration system or heat pump, including refrigerant emissions, energy consumption, and production-related emissions. This provides users with a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impact of their system design choices.
Yes, Pack Calculation Pro can be used to optimize system design and control strategies by evaluating the performance of different system configurations and control strategies under various operating conditions. This enables users to identify opportunities for improvement and optimize their system design for maximum efficiency and minimum environmental impact.
Pack Calculation Pro provides users with detailed output data, including yearly energy consumption, Life Cycle Costing (LCC), and Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) for each system design and control strategy evaluated. This data can be used to compare different system options, identify areas for improvement, and optimize system design and operation.