3E Plus Software

NAIMA’s FREE 3E Plus® software program makes it easy to calculate the appropriate insulation thickness necessary for any application. To ensure accuracy, the program has customizable inputs for every aspect of your job—and offers default values if your exact numbers aren’t available. Insulation selections are based on K-values from ASTM material standards. You can also check with individual insulation manufacturers for the K-values of the specific material you are considering.

3E Plus® helps you:

  • Determine economic thickness of insulation based on fuel cost, installed cost, tax rates, maintenance, and other economic factors
  • Calculate insulation needed for personnel protection in various design conditions
  • Calculate thickness of insulation for condensation control
  • Calculate greenhouse gas emissions and reductions
  • Determine surface temperature and heat loss or gain efficiency
  • Perform calculations for flat surfaces and various pipe sizes



What are the customizable inputs in 3E Plus software, and how do they ensure accuracy in insulation thickness calculations?
The 3E Plus software allows users to input various parameters specific to their job, including ambient temperature, pipe size, insulation material, and economic factors such as fuel cost and tax rates. These customizable inputs ensure accuracy in insulation thickness calculations by accounting for the unique conditions of each application. If exact numbers are not available, default values can be used as a substitute.
How does 3E Plus software determine the economic thickness of insulation, and what factors are considered?

The 3E Plus software calculates the economic thickness of insulation based on various economic factors, including fuel cost, installed cost, tax rates, maintenance, and other relevant factors. The software analyzes these factors to determine the optimal insulation thickness that balances energy savings with upfront costs, resulting in the most cost-effective solution for the user.

What is the significance of K values from ASTM material standards in 3E Plus software, and how are they used?

The K values from ASTM material standards represent the thermal conductivity of insulation materials. In 3E Plus software, these K values are used to determine the thermal performance of different insulation materials, enabling users to select the most suitable material for their specific application. Users can also consult with individual insulation manufacturers for the K values of specific materials they are considering.

Can 3E Plus software perform calculations for complex geometries, such as curved or irregularly shaped pipes?

While 3E Plus software can perform calculations for flat surfaces and various pipe sizes, it is primarily designed for straightforward geometries. For complex geometries, users may need to consult with a thermal insulation expert or use more specialized software to ensure accurate calculations.

How does 3E Plus software account for condensation control in its insulation thickness calculations?

The 3E Plus software calculates the thickness of insulation required for condensation control by considering factors such as ambient temperature, relative humidity, and pipe size. The software ensures that the selected insulation material and thickness will prevent condensation from occurring, reducing the risk of corrosion and other issues.

Are there any limitations to the types of insulation materials that can be used with 3E Plus software?

While 3E Plus software is designed to work with a wide range of insulation materials, it is primarily intended for use with materials that have established K values from ASTM material standards. Users may need to consult with individual insulation manufacturers or thermal insulation experts for materials without established K values or for custom applications.