Se pueden utilizar difusores de suministro de geometría variable para garantizar un movimiento de aire adecuado cuando el volumen de suministro es bajo. Contienen un mecanismo que varía el tamaño de la abertura de salida en respuesta al volumen de aire entregado. Para volúmenes bajos, la apertura se estrangula para que la velocidad del aire que sale del difusor se mantenga a un nivel suficiente para garantizar una buena distribución del aire.

El movimiento del aire
Para que los sistemas de refrigeración por aire sean eficaces, es importante que el aire se distribuya uniformemente dentro del espacio ocupado. Los difusores de aire se utilizan para suministrar aire a un espacio, ya que proporcionan control del flujo y la dirección del aire. El diseñador del sistema seleccionará el(los) tipo(s) de difusor más apropiado(s) para el espacio, teniendo en cuenta los siguientes puntos.
- Aprovechamiento del espacio y estética requerida del difusor.
- Restricciones impuestas por el diseño y la estructura.
- Partición del espacio
- Caudal volumétrico de aire
- Niveles máximos de ruido
- Longitud y tipo de lanzamiento requerido.
When the supply volume is low, the variable-geometry mechanism throttles the outlet aperture, increasing the air velocity leaving the diffuser. This ensures that the air is distributed effectively, even at reduced flow rates. By maintaining a sufficient air velocity, these diffusers prevent stagnation and promote good air circulation, which is essential for effective cooling and indoor air quality.
Variable-geometry supply diffusers are commonly used in air-based cooling systems, particularly in applications where air distribution is critical, such as in offices, hospitals, and laboratories. They are also suitable for use in variable air volume (VAV) systems, where the supply volume varies in response to changing occupancy or load patterns. Additionally, they can be used in retrofit projects to improve the performance of existing air distribution systems.
Variable-geometry supply diffusers outperform fixed-geometry diffusers in terms of air distribution and system efficiency, especially at low supply volumes. Fixed-geometry diffusers can lead to poor air distribution and reduced system efficiency when the supply volume is low, as the air velocity leaving the diffuser may be insufficient. In contrast, variable-geometry diffusers adapt to changing supply volumes, ensuring consistent air distribution and optimal system performance.
When specifying variable-geometry supply diffusers, designers should consider factors such as the desired air velocity, supply volume, and pressure drop. They should also ensure that the diffuser is compatible with the system’s ductwork and that the control mechanism is integrated with the building management system (BMS). Additionally, designers should consider the diffuser’s noise level, aesthetic appeal, and maintenance requirements.
Yes, variable-geometry supply diffusers can be used in conjunction with other air distribution devices, such as grilles and registers. In fact, combining these devices can enhance the overall air distribution performance of the system. For example, using a variable-geometry diffuser in conjunction with a grille can provide more precise control over air direction and velocity, leading to improved air distribution and system efficiency.