Tipos de sistemas de tuberías

Comprensión de los tres tipos básicos de sistemas de tuberías: de circuito cerrado, de circuito abierto y de un solo paso.

Circuito cerrado (evaporador)

En un sistema de tuberías de circuito cerrado, el agua está contenida dentro de un sistema de tuberías cerrado, o circuito, a través del cual circula. Si bien puede haber algún contacto nominal con el aire según el tipo de tanque utilizado, el sistema se considera cerrado al medio ambiente. Por lo general, los sistemas de circuito cerrado se tratan químicamente para controlar la corrosión, las incrustaciones, el limo y las algas dentro de las tuberías, pero sus requisitos de tratamiento químico generalmente no son tan extensos como los de un circuito abierto.

Ejemplo de un sistema de tuberías de circuito cerrado

Bucle abierto (condensador)

En un sistema de tuberías de circuito abierto, el agua está en constante contacto con el aire y, por tanto, el sistema está abierto a la atmósfera. Un ejemplo típico de un sistema de circuito abierto es un sistema de recirculación de agua de condensador con una torre de enfriamiento donde el agua circula a través de la torre de enfriamiento, se rocía sobre la superficie del medio de la torre, se recoge en el depósito de la torre, se hace circular a través del condensador y luego se envía. de regreso a través de la torre de enfriamiento.

Ejemplo de un sistema de recirculación de circuito abierto

Una vez

En este tipo de sistema, el agua pasa a través del sistema una vez y luego se descarga. Un ejemplo de un sistema de un solo paso sería un enfriador con agua de río canalizada hacia su condensador enfriado por agua. El calor expulsado del condensador se devuelve al río, lo que no siempre es aceptable desde una perspectiva medioambiental. En general, los sistemas de un solo paso que usan agua de “ciudad” no están permitidos porque usan cantidades excesivas de agua.

Ejemplo de un sistema de una sola vez


What are the key differences between closed-loop and open-loop piping systems?
The primary difference between closed-loop and open-loop piping systems lies in their interaction with the environment. Closed-loop systems are self-contained, with water circulating within a closed piping system or loop, whereas open-loop systems draw water from an external source, such as a river or lake, and discharge it back into the environment after use. This fundamental difference affects the chemical treatment requirements, corrosion control, and overall system design. Closed-loop systems require less extensive chemical treatment, whereas open-loop systems need more rigorous treatment to address the variability of the external water source.
How does the type of tank used affect a closed-loop piping system?

The type of tank used in a closed-loop piping system can influence the level of contact between the system and the environment. For example, an open-top tank may allow for some air contact, whereas a sealed tank would minimize air exposure. However, even with some air contact, closed-loop systems are still considered closed to the environment due to the limited interaction. The tank design and materials used can also impact the system’s overall performance, corrosion resistance, and maintenance requirements.

What are the typical applications for once-thru piping systems?

Once-thru piping systems are commonly used in applications where a large volume of water is required for a short duration, such as in industrial processes, power generation, or desalination plants. These systems are often used in situations where the water source is abundant and the water can be discarded after a single pass through the system. Once-thru systems are typically less complex and less expensive than closed-loop or open-loop systems, but they may require more extensive water treatment and have higher environmental impacts.

How does chemical treatment differ between closed-loop and open-loop piping systems?

Chemical treatment requirements vary significantly between closed-loop and open-loop piping systems. Closed-loop systems require less extensive chemical treatment, primarily focusing on controlling corrosion, scale, slime, and algae within the piping. In contrast, open-loop systems need more rigorous treatment to address the variability of the external water source, including pH adjustment, disinfection, and removal of suspended solids. The chemical treatment regimen for open-loop systems must also consider the potential environmental impacts of the discharged water.

What are the advantages of using a closed-loop piping system in HVAC applications?

Closed-loop piping systems offer several advantages in HVAC applications, including reduced water consumption, lower chemical treatment requirements, and decreased environmental impact. Closed-loop systems also provide better control over water quality, which can improve the overall efficiency and reliability of the HVAC system. Additionally, closed-loop systems are less prone to scaling and fouling, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance. These benefits make closed-loop systems a popular choice for many HVAC applications.

Can a piping system be designed to combine elements of closed-loop and open-loop systems?

Yes, it is possible to design a piping system that combines elements of closed-loop and open-loop systems. For example, a system might use a closed-loop configuration for the majority of the piping, but incorporate an open-loop section for a specific process or application. These hybrid systems can offer the benefits of both closed-loop and open-loop designs, but require careful consideration of the system’s overall performance, water quality, and environmental impacts. A thorough understanding of the system’s requirements and constraints is essential to design a successful hybrid piping system.