Hvac Equations (U.S./Metric)

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVACequations.




or for standard air (d = 0.075 lb/cu ft)

To solve for “d”:

V = Velocity (fpm)

Vp = Velocity Pressure (in. w.g.)

d = Density (lb/cu ft)

Pb = Absolute Static Pressure (in. Hg)
(Barometric pressure + static pressure)

T = Absolute Temp. (460° + °F)


or for standard air (d = 1.204 kg/m3)

To solve for “d”:

V = Velocity (m/s)

Vp = Velocity Pressure (Pascals or Pa)

d = Density (kg/m3)

Pb = Absolute Static Pressure (kPa)
(Barometric pressure + static pressure)

T = Absolute Temp. (273° + °C = °K)

Heat Flow


Q (sens.) = 60 x Cp x d x cfm x Δt

or for standard air (Cp = 0.24 Btu/lb – °F):

Q (sens.) = 1.08 x cfm x Δt

Q (lat.) = 4750 x cfm x ΔW (lb.)

Q (lat.) = 0.67 x cfm x ΔW (gr.)

Q (total) = 4.5 x cfm x Δh

Q = A x U x Δt

R = 1/U

Q=Heat Flow (Btu/hr)

Cp = Specific Heat (Btu/lb · °F)

d = Density (lb/cu ft)

At = Temperature Difference (°F)

AW = Humidity Ratio (lb or gr H2O/lb dry air)

Ah = Enthalpy Diff. (Btu/lb dry air)

A = Area of Surface (sq ft)

U = Heat Transfer Coefficient (Btu/sq ft · hr * °F)

R = Sum of Thermal Resistances (sq ft· hr · °F/Btu)

P = Absolute Pressure (lb/sq ft)

V = Total Volume (cu ft)

T = Absolute Temp. (460° + °F = °R)

R = Gas Constant (ft/°R)

M = Mass (lb)


Q (sens.) = 60 x Cp x d x l/s x Δt

or for standard air (Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg – °C):

Q (sens.) = 1.23 x l/s x Δt

Q (lat.) = 3 x l/s x ΔW (lb.)

Q (total) = 1.2 x l/s x Δh

Q = A x U x Δt

R = 1/U

Q=Heat Flow (watts or kW)

Cp = Specific Heat (kJ/kg – °C)

d = Density (kg/m3)

At = Temperature Difference (°C)

AW = Humidity Ratio (g H2O/kg dry air)

Ah = Enthalpy Diff. (kJ/kg dry air)

A = Area of Surface (m2)

U = Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2 . °C)

R = Sum of Thermal Resistances (m2 . °C/W)

P = Absolute Pressure (kPa)

V = Total Volume (m3)

T = Absolute Temp. (273° + °C = °K)

R = Gas Constant (kJ/kg °R)

M = Mass (kg)

Total Pressure


TP = Vp + SP

cfm = A x V

TP = C x Vμ

TP = Total Pressure (in. w.g.)
Vp = Velocity Pressure (in. w.g.)
SP = Static Pressure (in. w.g.)
V = Velocity (fpm)
Vm = Measured Velocity (fpm)
d = Density (lb/cu ft)
A = Area of duct cross section (sq ft)
C = Duct Fitting Loss Coefficient


TP = Vp + SP

l/s = 1000 x A x V

TP = C x Vμ

TP = Total Pressure (Pa)
Vp = Velocity Pressure (Pa)
SP = Static Pressure (Pa)
V = Velocity (m/s)
Vm = Measured Velocity (m/s)
d = Density (kg/m3)
A = Area of duct cross section (m2)
C = Duct Fitting Loss Coefficient



cfm = Cubic feet per minute

rpm = Revolutions per minute

P = Static or Total Pressure (in. w.g.)

bhp = Brake horsepower

d = Density (lb/cu ft)


I/s = Litres per second

m3/s = Cubic metres per second

P = Static or Total Pressure (Pa)

kW = Kilowatts

d = Density (kg/m3)



gpm = Gallons per minute

rpm = Revolutions per minute

D = Impeller diameter

H = Head (ft. w.g.)

bhp = Brake horsepower


  • a. One gallon water = 8.33 pounds
  • b. Specific heat (Cp) water = 1.00 Btu/lb °F (@ 68°F)
  • c. Specific heat (Cp) water vapor = 0.45 Btu/lb °F (@ 68°F)
  • d. One ft. of water = 0.433 psi
  • e. One ft. of mercury (Hg) = 5.89 psi
  • f. One cu.ft. of water = 62.4 lb = 7.49 gal.
  • g. One in. of mercury (Hg) = 13.6 in.w.g. = 1.13 ft. w.g.
  • h. Atmospheric Pressure = 29.92 in.Hg = 14.696 psi
  • i. One psi = 2.31 ft. w.g. = 2.04 in.Hg


I/s = Litres per second

m3/s = Cubic metres per second

rad/s = Radians per second

D = Impeller diameter

H = Head (kPa)

BP = Brake horsepower



gpm = Gallons per minute
Q = Heat flow (Btu/hr)
Δt = Temperature diff. (°F)
ΔP = Pressure diff. (psi)
Cv = Valve constant (dimensionless)

whp = Water horsepower
gpm = Gallons per minute
bhp = Brake horsepower
H = Head (ft w.g.)
Sp. Gr. = Specific gravity (use 1.0 for water)
Ep = Efficiency of pump

NPSHA = Net positive suction head available
Pa = Atm. press. (use 34 ft w.g.)
Ps = Pressure at pump centerline (ft w.g.)

V2/2g = Velocity head at point Ps (ft w.g.)
Pvp = Absolute vapor pressure (ft w.g.)
g = Gravity acceleration (32.2 ft/sec2)
h = Head loss (ft)
f = Friction factor (dimensionless)
L = Length of pipe (ft)
D = Internal diameter (ft)
V = Velocity (ft/sec)

Converting pressure in inches of mercury to feet of water at various water temperatures

Water Temperature degrees F F F
60 ∘ 60 ∘ 60^(@)
150 ∘ 150 ∘ 150^(@)
200 ∘ 200 ∘ 200^(@)
250 ∘ 250 ∘ 250^(@)
300 ∘ 300 ∘ 300^(@)
340 ∘ 340 ∘ 340^(@)
Ft. head differential per in. Hg. differential
1.046 1.046 1.046
1.07 1.07 1.07
1.09 1.09 1.09
1.11 1.11 1.11
1.15 1.15 1.15
1.165 1.165 1.165


Q = Heat flow (kilowatts)

Δt = Temperature diff. (°C)

ΔP = Pressure diff. (Pa or kpa)

Cv = Valve constant (dimensionless)

m3/s = Cubic metres per second

l/s = Litres per second

WP = Water power (kW) or (W)
m3/s = Cubic metres per second
I/s = Litres per second
Sp. Gr. = Specific gravity (use 1.0 for water)
BP = Brake power (kW)
E, = Efficiency of Pump
H = Head (Pa) or (m)

NPSHA = Net positive suction head available
Pa = Atm. press. (Pa – Std. Atm. press. = 101,325 Pa)
Ps = Pressure at pump centerline (Pa)

V2/2g = Velocity head at point Ps (m)
Pvp = Absolute vapor pressure (Pa)
g = Gravity acceleration (9.807 m/sec2)
h = Head loss (m)
f = Friction factor (dimensionless)
L = Length of pipe (m)
D = Internal diameter (m)
V = Velocity (m/sec)



I = Amps (A)

E = Volts (V)

P.F. = Power factor

R= ohms (Ω)

P = watts (W)

Bhp = Brake horsepower


kW = Kilowatts

I = Amps (A)

E = Volts (V)

P.F. = Power factor

R = ohms (Ω )

P. = watts (W)


What is the significance of air density in HVAC calculations?
Air density is a critical parameter in HVAC calculations as it affects the performance of fans, blowers, and other air-handling equipment. The density of air varies with temperature, humidity, and pressure, which in turn impacts the volume flow rate and pressure drop in ducts. Accurate calculations of air density are essential to ensure proper sizing of equipment, optimal system performance, and energy efficiency. The equation for air density (d = 0.075 lb/cu ft) is a fundamental relationship in HVAC engineering, and its application is crucial in designing and operating HVAC systems.
How do I convert between U.S. and Metric units in HVAC calculations?

When working with HVAC equations, it’s often necessary to convert between U.S. and Metric units. To do this, you can use conversion factors such as 1 lb/cu ft = 16.02 kg/m³ for air density, 1 ton of refrigeration = 3.516 kW for cooling capacity, and 1 horsepower = 0.7457 kW for fan power. Additionally, you can use online conversion tools or consult a reliable reference source, such as the ASHRAE Handbook, to ensure accurate conversions.

What is the relationship between air velocity and pressure drop in ducts?

Air velocity and pressure drop are closely related in ducts, as an increase in velocity results in a corresponding increase in pressure drop. The equation for pressure drop (ΔP) in ducts is ΔP = f \* (L/D) \* (ρ \* V^2 / 2), where f is the friction factor, L is the duct length, D is the duct diameter, ρ is the air density, and V is the air velocity. Understanding this relationship is essential for designing and optimizing duct systems to minimize energy losses and ensure efficient airflow.

How do I calculate the cooling capacity of an HVAC system?

The cooling capacity of an HVAC system can be calculated using the equation Q = m \* Cp \* ΔT, where Q is the cooling capacity, m is the mass flow rate of air, Cp is the specific heat capacity of air, and ΔT is the temperature difference between the supply and return air. This equation is a fundamental principle in HVAC engineering and is used to size cooling coils, select equipment, and optimize system performance.

What is the importance of humidity in HVAC calculations?

Humidity plays a critical role in HVAC calculations, as it affects the comfort, health, and safety of building occupants. The equation for relative humidity (RH) is RH = (Pv / Ps) \* 100, where Pv is the vapor pressure and Ps is the saturation pressure. Accurate calculations of humidity are essential for designing and operating HVAC systems, particularly in applications such as hospitals, laboratories, and data centers, where precise control of humidity is crucial.

How do I apply HVAC equations to real-world design problems?

To apply HVAC equations to real-world design problems, you need to understand the specific requirements of the project, including the building’s occupancy, climate, and load characteristics. By selecting the relevant equations and inputting the necessary parameters, you can perform calculations to size equipment, design duct systems, and optimize system performance. It’s essential to consider factors such as safety, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness when applying HVAC equations to ensure that the designed system meets the project’s requirements and constraints.