The Excel files (spread sheets) presented here (165 files), are tools, standard reports and user developed functions (UDF), which are included in each application.
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Air hydrodynamic drag force
Derivation of the parametric equations for a sphere fired into still air, with consideration of the hydrodynamic drag force. System of equations for finite differences. Application to hit a desired point in x-y plane. Application to a parachute.
Air-dry and water-saturated properties
Water and air properties as a function of temperature.
Air receivers volume calculation
Calculation of an air receiver, and shows several references related to this theme. Application example and derivation of equation to determine the receiver volume.
Atmospheric temperature, pressure and density as function of the height above sea level
Calculation of atmospheric temperature, pressure and density as a function of the height above sea level, according 1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere. It includes also an approximate method that can be applied for a range of heights 0 km.a.s.l. < H < 6 km.a.s.l. with an error less than 0.1% . Also, it is presented an equation to calculate the water vapor. pressure as a function of temperature. References included.
Average particle size determination d50 from gravimetric analysis Mesh-opening
For a given granulometric analysis (mesh size vs. Retained percentage) a table of “Mesh vs. Particle size (mesh opening)” is made. The plotted curve allows to find the particle size corresponding to a 50% retained percentage: This is the average particle size or d50 value. Evaluation of a filtrated sample properties. Gravimetric composition of a flow resulting from the joint of two flows.
Bernoulli and piezometric line
Basic definitions and graphic.
Blower Air line
Calculation sheet for an air line. The pressure drop in each fitting and pipe is calculated and the values in a new line are calculated based in the resulting pressure of the precedent line.
Channels 1 Channel functions resume and applications Constant Manning’s coefficient Comparison with Hcanales Deductions
Resume, deductions, applications for Circular, Semicircular and rectangular channels. Comparison with Canals, for Circular and Rectangular channels. Constant and variable Manning’s coefficient
Channels 2 Pulp flow in Circular, Semicircular and Rectangular channels, with constant Manning coefficient
Pulp flow for circular, semicircular and rectangular channels, for constant Manning’a coefficient. Normal and critical cases.
Channels 3 Pulp flow in Circular, Semicircular and Rectangular channels, with variable Manning coefficient
Pulp flow for circular, semicircular and rectangular channels, for variable Manning’s coefficient
Channels 4 Circular channel Array output, constant Manning’s coefficient
Pulp flow for circular channels, for variable Manning’s coefficient. Array output.
Combustion Adiabatic flame temperature Jeff Munic
Flame temperature of the combustion of a gas mixture. From an example Jeff Munic.
Combustion Adiabatic flame temperature Keenan and Kaye example
Flame temperature of the combustion of octane. From an example of the Gas Tables, Keenen and Kaye.
Combustion Chemical reactions
Four examples of combustion analysis. Equations for stoichiometric combustion and combustion with excess air. Dew point temperature.
Combustion Enthalpies of gases of combustion
Enthalpy of gases from Keenan and Kayes Gas Tables
Combustion Hess’s Law and enthalpy of formation
Lower heating values, Higher heating values, enthalpy of formation, difference between HHV and LHV Methane, propane, hydrogen silfide.
Combustion Mass composition input
Four examples of combustion analysis with input data in mass composition. Coal, Oil, Wood.
Combustion Orsat analysis
Five examples of Orsat analysis Methane, Unknown hydrocarbon, coke gas.
Combustion Volume composition input
Four examples of combustion analysis with input data in volume composition. Natural gas, Ethane, Octane.
Combustion Wet air composition and molecular mass
et air composition for air with a given humidity. Excel V.B solution and using Goal seek.
Compressor power and air discharge temperature
Calculates the compressor power of an isentropic and of a real process. Also, the exit temperature of an isentropic and of a real process is calculated.
Concentration of nitrogen in a furnace as function of the number of volume changes
A furnace works in ambient of nitrogen. It is required to know the Number of Volume Changes to obtain a desired nitrogen concentration in the furnace.
Contraction, velocity and discharge coefficients of a rectangular sharp edeged slot
Coefficients of discharge, contraction and velocity for sharp edged rectangular slots. Singular pressure drop coefficient. Flow rates.
Cooling tower Application Treybal
This file is an application of the Merkel theory for cooling towers. Some correction have been made, nomenclature reviewed and some literature added. Still some explanations are required.
Cooling tower Kari Alane Aalto University example
A basic cooling tower application. Required air flow rate is determined, based on a set of initial data. This example correspond to a publication from Kari Alane from Aalto university.
Cooling tower Merkel theory Treybal
This file presents a resume of Merkel’s theory for cooling tower, taken from Robert Treybal, Operaciones de transferencia de masa.
Dimensioning compressed air installations Atlas Copco
This file uses an Atlas Copco reference for the dimensioning of a compressed air installation. It includes compressor, aftercooler, receiver, dryer and pressure drop.
Dryer with air impinging jets
Design of a strip dryer with air impinging jets. Air pressurized in a fan, heated in an heat exchanger and impinging into a moving steel strip with a water film. Based on Prof. Martin Holger paper.
Expansion loop
This file derives the expansion loop equation an presents a calculation example. Spirax-Sarco and Victaulic references.
Flanges Temperature and Pressure Ratings for Group 11 materials
Maximum temperature and pressure ratings of flanges conforming dimensions ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings – and materials specification to ASTM A-105.
Flow oscillation between two tanks, solved by finite differences
Two tanks, initially with different water levels, are joint by a pipe and a closed valve. At time zero, the valve is fully open and the water levels start oscillating. Due to the pipe friction, the amplitude of the oscillation will decrease with the time until finally both tanks reaches the same level. The three ordinary differential equations system is solved with finite differences.
Friction and singular pressure drop Water and slurry
This file presents a routine for the calculation of pressure drops due to friction and singularities. Several functions are included for the calculation of fittings and valves.
Functions List of modules and functions for Excel VBA
List of available Excel functions and application examples.
Gas Air-dry and water-saturated properties
Visual basic functions for dry air at ambient pressure and saturated water .
Gas Atmospheric air at height above sea level Carmichael
Atmospheric air properties at a given height above sea level (Carmichael) .
Gas Enthalpies Kennan and Kaye
Enthalpy of gases for combustion calculations (Kennan and Kaye).
Gas Air Properties
Visual basic functions for air properties.
Gas Octane properties
Octane properties for combustion calculations.
Gas Propane Butane Saturation Properties
Saturated Propane and butane properties .
Gas Properties-VBA functions
Visual Basic functions for gas properties.
Gas Tables
Table with basic gas data.
Gas Viscosity of gases according Sutherland
Sutherland’s formula. Dynamic viscosity of an ideal gas as a function of the temperature. Valid for temperatures 0 < T < 555 K, with an error due to pressure less than 10%, below 3.45 MPa
Gas Wet air composition
Wet air for a given absolute air humidity. Wet air composition and molecular mass.
Gravitational adduction Water Hammer
This file shows a rough method used in an old Project (only of a historical interest).
Gravitational discharge of Slurry Three diameter options(Spanish)
Gravitational discharge of slurry with the option of three pipe sizes, under consideration of three flow rates.
Gravitational discharge of water Ground profile vs Piezometric elevaton
Gravitational discharge through a pipe, for a given ground profile.
Heat transfer Convection in pipes Thermal conductivity of insulations VB functions
Convection coefficients for outside and inside of a pipe. Natural, forced and combined outside coefficients and forced interior coefficient for water and steam as fluid. Conductivity of insulations.
Heat transfer Cooling a pipe filled with water
This application calculates the cooling time of water in a carbon steel pipe. The theory needed is deducted. Calculation examples of pipes with and without insulation are presented. A comparison with the results presented in the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide (NMIC) is included.
Heat transfer Exchangers design Effectivness and number of transfer units NTU
Heat exchangers design by the NTU method. Mills erxamples 8.7 and 8.8.
Heat transfer Flow of oil in an underwater pipeline Cengel example 8.3
Heat loss from an underwater pipe. Steam condenser. Single-stream. Effectiveness of an heat exchanger. NTU method.
Heat transfer Heat loss from a buried oil pipe Mills example 3.3
Heat loss from an insulated and an uninsulated buried pipe. The shape form method is used.
Heat transfer Heat loss from a pipe in an indoor location
Heat loss from an insulated indoor pipe. Heat is lost from the exterior pipe surface by convection to the ambient and by radiation interchange with surrounding surfaces.
Heat transfer Heat loss from a pipe in an outdoor location
Heat loss from an insulated outdoor pipe. Heat is lost from the exterior pipe surface by convection to the ambient and by radiation interchange with a clear sky night.
Heat transfer Heat loss from an insulated steel pipe Mills example 2.1
Heat loss from an insulated indoor pipe. Heat is lost from the exterior pipe surface by convection to the ambient. Mills example 2.1.
Heat transfer Interior pipe convection for water and air
Convection factor for interior flow of water and air in a pipe.
Heat transfer Pipes U-factors Annular fins
Heat transfer through pipes. U-factor referred to the inside pipe surface and th outside pipe surfsce. U-factor of finned pipes. Fin efficiency. Examples.
Heat transfer Steady-state conduction Two-dimensional Finite differences equations
Heat transfer by the finite differences method, for steady state systems, using the implicite and explicite methods. Heat equation and Energy balance methods. Examples and derivation of equations from Incropera. Solutions with the matrix inversion method and Gauss-Seidel iteration.
Heat transfer Transient conduction Semi-Infinite solid with and without convection Analytical solution Underground water pipe
Transient conduction in a semi-infinite solid. Case of surface maintained at a constant temperature and case where the surface is exposed at an ambient with temperature Tamb and convection h. Three examples. Application to an underground pipe.
Heat transfer Transient conduction Slab with convection Solution using a graphic Annealing of a steel plate
When steel plates are thinned by rolling, periodic reheating is required. A plain carbon steel plate of thickness “2*L”, initially at a temperature “tini”, is to be reheated to a minimum temperature “tend” in a furnace maintained at “tfurn” A one-term solution is implemented with VBA functions to replace the use of the Heisler charts. Mills example 3.9
Heat transfer Transient conduction Slab with convection Analytical solution One term approximation
Plane wall with its surfaces exposed to an ambient temperature Tamb. and a convection h. Time required to reach a temperature at a given position.
Heat transfer Transient conduction Slab with convection Finite differences solution Explicit method Resine slab example
Resine slab cured under an array of air jets.
Heat transfer Transient conduction Slab with convection Solution graphic and analytic Annealing of a steel plate
Annealing of a steel plate in a Furnace. Analytical solution and also using a graphic.
Heat transfer Transient conduction Slab with infinite convection Finite differences solution explicite method Solved in Visual Basic
Slab with initial temperature and surface temperatures defined in VB code. Slab temperature distribution solved in VB. Case of constant surface temperatures solved analytically in the spreadsheet.
Heat transfer Transient heat conduction equations
Transient analytical solutions. Solutions using graphics. Finite difference explicite method for one-dimensional conduction.
Heat transfer Single-stream steam condenser Mills example 1.8
Performance of a shell – and – tube – steam condenser. Example Mills, 1.8. xls and pdf. Equations, Slide share example.
Heat transfer Temperature of an irradiated surface Mills example 6.10
Temperature of an irradiated airplane wing, with solar irradiation “Is”, air temperature “to” and a known sky emittance.
Heat transfer Thermal conductivity of insulations and refractories
Cellular, Fibrous and Granular types of insulations. Refractories insulations.
Heat transfer U factor for resistances in series and in parallel I
Global heat transfer coefficients “U” for several pipe arrangements. U factors referred to the inside and outside pipe surface. Nocturnal sky radiation.
Heat transfer Underwater pipe for effluent discharge
Underwater pipe for effluent discharge. Discharge temperature of effluent in the sea and heat flow rate from the pipe into the sea. Exterior and interior convection coefficients.
Ideal gas Ideal gas law application to air
Application of ideal gas law to determine air and nitrogen densities.
Ideal gas Mass flow of compressible fluids
Application of ideal gas law for the determination of unchoked and choked mass flow rates.
Isenthalpic throttling process
Valve throttling process. Application examples for steam valves. Steamdat functions are applied and are included.
Limit suction height and Minimum submergence
This file presents calculation routines for the suction limit height and minimum submergence of a water pump.
Mass transfer Humidification of air flowing over a container tknGuyen example
Molar flux of water-vapor between the water of a container and the air flowing over it.
Math Bubble point temperature calculation using Newton Raphson Jeff Munic
Application of the Newton Raphson method to obtain the solution of a bubble pint temperature.
Math Newton Raphson method applied to floating ball problem
Use of the Newton-Raphson method to solve a third grade equation. Application to solve the case of a metallic thin sphere submerged in water.
Math Least squares method Regressions linear, second to sixth grades parabolas and exponential curve
Regression using the least squares method, for a straight line and parabolas of second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade.
Math Quadratic and Cubic equations solve with VBA functions
Solution of a second and a third grade equations using VBA functions. Real and complex solutions. Links for online solutions of Quadric and Quintic equations.
Math Solution of an implicite equation using the Zero Function method
A routine that can be used to solve implicit equations.
Math Straight line which passes through points A and B, in a Log-Log , in a Log-Nat and in a Nat-Nat plot
Straight line which passes through points A and B in a Log-Log graphic, in a Log-Nat graphic and in a Nat-Nat graphic.
Math System of linear equations solved with matrix inversion method, in Excel and in VBA
Solution of a system of linear equations using the matrix inversion method, in Excel and in Visual Basic.
Math System of nonlinear equations solved with the Newton-Raphson method, in Excel and VBA
Solution of a system of nonlinear equations using the Newton-Raphson method, in Excel and in Visual Basic.
Math Runge-Kutta application to a tank concentration Jeff Munic
A brine solution of water is added at a given flow rate to a tank with pure water. The volume in the tank is maintained at a constant volume with an overflow drain. Required is the concentration change with time.
Math Runge-Kutta application to a tank with variable concentration Jeff Munic
A tank with a solution of caustic liquid is is inially at a given concentration and volume. An upset occurs, and the supply flow rate and the inlet concentration drops down. Required is the tank concentration. Ref. Jeff Munic.
Mc Elvain Cave Durand Bingham fluids HR value
This file presents functions for the calculation of two slurry correction factors applied to the deposition velocity: – Mc Elvain and Cave correction factor and Durand correction factor. (This two function are a digitalization of the curves and therefore no equation is used). – Also is presented a function for Weir – HR factor for estimating the head and the efficiency of slurries, based on the values for water (Note. Weir, in later publications, is proposing a “HR-value” determination method that also requires the impeller diameter as input data.
Minimum distance between pipes with flanches
Flanches dimensions according ASME B16.5-2003. Minimum distance between flanches and pipes: 30 mm. Valid for pipes without insulation. Distances to be verified if lateral movements or expansions could occur and also if orifice plates or other elements are present. Verify that there is not an occurrence of two flanges face to face. Pipes according ASME B36.10M-1996.
Mollier diagram
A Pressure-Enthalpy, mollier type diagram, built by means of Steamdat functions.
Moody diagram Hagen Poiseuille, Colebrook and Churchill equations Nikuradse data
For 0 < Re < 2300 Laminar region. Hagen – Poiseuille equation. For 2300 =< Re =< 4000 Critical region. Churchill equation. For 4000 < Re Transition and turbulent regions. Colebrook equation. There is not a theory describing the critical region. Churchill equation describes relatively well this region, for smooth pipes with Rrel <= 0.01, giving conservative values, when compared with Nikuradse experimental data. Although Churchill equation describes also the transition and turbulent regions in accordance with Colebrook, this last equation is used in these regions because its use is often required in certain design criteria
Normal to real flow rate and FAD flow rate
This file presents routines to transform Normal to Real flow rates and inversely, Standard to real flow rates and inversely and FAD flow rates to real or Normal flow rates.
Orifice Plates
This file presents routines to calculate orifices plates with applications for air and water. Also, Cameron equations for water are presented.
Pipes Colebrook-White equation solved with Newton-Raphson method
Colebrook-Wite equation for the determination of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is calculated using the Newton-Raphson method . VBA function are used as comparison.
Pipe dimensions and friction factor
Visual Basic functions for pipe dimensions for carbon steel, stainless steel, HDPE PE100, HDPE PE80, Fiber reinforced polyethylene, pipe friction factor for Darcy-Weisbach equation and Manning’s coefficient.
Pipe dimensions CS SS HDPE100 HDPE80
Visual Basic functions for pipe dimensions for carbon steel, stainless steel, HDPE PE100, HDPE PE80, Pipe friction factor for Darcy-Weisbach equation and Manning’s coefficient.
Pipes Flow rate and pressure loss equations
Manning, Hazen Williams, Darcy-Weisbach, friction factors, Colebrook.
Pipes Maximum span between pipe supports for a given maximum tension stress
Determination of the length between pipe supports by the method of the “Maximum tension Stress due to bending and internal pressure”. This file was corrected according comments from Derek Marshall
Pipes Network analysis using the Hardy Cross method SI units
A water network with three loops is solved using the Hardy Cross method. The solution is found with 12 iteration steps.
Pipes Network analysis using the Hardy Cross method Imperial units
A water network with three loops is solved using the Hardy Cross method. The solution is found with 12 iteration steps.
Pipes Network analysis using the Newton Raphson method
A water network with one loop is solved using the Newton Raphson method. The solution is found with one iteration step.
Pipes Pressure and temperature ratings for carbon steel flanges of material groups 11 and 12
Carbon Steel Flanges – Pressure and Temperature Ratings – Groupes 1.1 and 1.2 Maximum temperature and pressure ratings of flanges conforming dimensions ASME B16.5 and materials specification ASTM A-105
Pipes Pressure and wall thickness equations and data for a straight pipe ASME B311 and B313
Pipe wall thickness and pressure for carbon steel pipes. Equations and data. Comparison of both standards.
Pipes Wall thickness calculation according ASME B313
Pipe wall thickness for carbon steel pipes according ASME B31.3.
Pipes Slope required for a pipe to avoid fluid accumulation
Slope of a pipe to avoid accumulation of fluid in case the pipe should be emptied. To avoid the accumulation of fluid, one support shall be installed at a height lower than the other, at a difference Dh [mm]. The tangent at the point of inflection (P) of the beam must become horizontal to get that no fluid can remain stored.
Pneumatic transport in dilute phase Rhodes example
Martin Rhodes, Introduction to particle technology. Example 8.1. Design calculation for dilute pneumatic transport. Spreadsheet make use of some VBA functions.
Pressure Maximum allowable pressure, ASME B313 Pipes A53, A106, API 5L (dn- Sch) at a given temperature
Maximum allowable pressure and temperature ratings for petroleum refinery piping and chemical plant piping systems according ANSI/ASME B31.3 (2008) Process piping, materials grade B: A53, A106, API 5L, pipes with plane ends. Allowable stresses from ASME B31.3, 2008, page 146) Maximum pressure calculated according Ec. 3a Maximum temperature and pressure ratings of flanges conforming dimensions ASME B16.5 and materials specification ASTM A-105
Pressure Pressure loss in a steam pipe Tabulated example
Pressure drop of a steam flow rate “m ton/h” in a carbon steel pipe with nominal diameter “dn”, schedule “Sch” and absolute rugosity “Rabs”. The pipe is located at a hight above sea level “H m.a.s.l.” The steam inlet pressure is “pin_g bar (g)”. Pipe lengths and fittings are shown in the calculation table.
Pressure Pressure loss in a steam pipe Tyler example
Pressure drop of a steam flow rate “m ton/h” in a carbon steel pipe with nominal diameter “dn”, schedule “Sch” and absolute rugosity “Rabs”. Tyler Example with a pressure reducing valve.
Pressure rating for PVC pipes
Pressure rating for industrial PVC, schedules 40, 80 and 120.
Propane Butane Saturation Properties
Propane and butane saturation properties, gas and liquids.
Psychrometric chart
Psychrometric charts: Dry and wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, relative humidity, enthalpy, for heights above sea level of 0 m.a.s.l. and 5300 m.a.s.l.
Psychrometric chart with process shown in diagram
Psychrometric charts: Dry and wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, relative humidity, enthalpy, for heights above sea level of 0 m.a.s.l. and 5300 m.a.s.l. Psychtometric functions for following input variable input groups: 1. tdb, f, H 2. tdw, twb, H 3. tdb, x, H 4. enthalpy, x, H 5. tdb, enthalpy, H
Psychrometric functions Deductions
Psychrometric functions: Dry and wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, relative humidity, enthalpy, dew point temperature, specific volume and density, for heights above sea level til 5300 m.a.s.l.
Psychrometric functions Resume
Psychrometric functions, only a resume: Dry and wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, relative humidity, enthalpy, dew point temperature, specific volume and density, for heights above sea level til 5300 m.a.s.l.
Psychrometry Heat recovery air handling unit (Ahu) By Ömer Faruk D
This spreadsheet calculates air flow and battery capacity for Air Handling Units. The data used corresponds to a location in Turkey. In the example, data for the city of Bursa has been used. You can change the data according to your city, in the Data page. By Omer Faruk D., Makine Mühendisi , Mechanical Engineer
Pump Demineralized water(Spanish)
Standard type calculation for water.
Pump Detention time of a pump impulsion system
The routine calculates the time interval “t”, from the de-energization of the pump, until the system comes to rest. It is considered the inertia of the pump, motor and fluid and the friction between fluid and pipe. An ascending pipe with constant slope is assumed. The friction factor is considered constant and with the value of the steady state condition.
Pump Froth Selection Warman
A froth pump calculation according a Warman’ reference.
Pump Heterogeneous Slurries Type A Warman
A froth pump calculation for heterogeneous slurry, according a Warman. To calculate the pressure drop of a “Weir type A slurry”, the system is to be calculated as if the fluid were water. The file presents a usual input data sheet a water pressure drop calculation and finally the calculation of the pressure difference that in some cases has to be added to the calculated pressure.
Pump Lubricating oil(Spanish)
Standard type calculation for lubricating oil circuit.
Pump Minimum submergence Limit suction height Suction mouth
Estimation of minimum submergence to avoid vapor entrainment / vortex formation / cavitation. Minimum pump suction height.
Pump Reactives(Spanish)
Standard type calculation.
Pump Slurry froth (Three diameter options)
Pump selection for Slurry with froth, according Weir.
Pump Slurry lime Loop(Spanish)
Standard type calculation.
Pump Slurry selection Typical Warman
Example of Warman Slurry Pumping Handbook Australasian
Pump TDH , NPSH, Pump power
Pumping system between two water tanks. Results are calculated in a spreadsheet and by means of “user defined Excel functions”
Pump Water circuit system Primary Grinding dust suppression
Standard type calculation for a water net.
Reception of a VBA output matrix data in a spreadsheet
Reception of matrix output data from a VB function in an Excel sheet as a vertical matrix.
Relationships between Cv Kv and C
Determinaqtion of Darcy-Weisbach “K” factor as a function of “Cv” value from valves.
Sand trap
Determination of the basic sand trap dimensions using a VBA function
Settling velocity of spherical particles
Settling velocity of spherical particles as function of particle diameter, solids density, liquid density and liquid absolute viscosity (VBA)
Slurry Basic calculations Examples 1 to 13 Equations and Figures Bingham fluids
13 examples from chapter 11 of Slurry Systems Handbook.
Slurry Bingham pressure drop calculations
4 examples from chapter 5 of Slurry Systems Handbook.
Slurry McElvain Cave-Durand-Bingham fluids-HR value
4 examples from chapter 5 of Slurry Systems Handbook.
Slurry Property equations and functions
Relations between slurry concentrations, densities and specific weights.
Slurry Pumps Power law, Bingham Heterogeneous flow
Pump power of a power law fluid. Pump pressure of a Bingham fluid well. Pressure loss of an heterogeneous fluid.
Slurry Settling velocity according JRI
JRI recommend three types of equations to calculated limit deposition velocities, according the particle average size and pipe diameter.
Sound pressure level
Calculation of SPL, based on octave band test data.
Spherical particle drag coefficient
Spherical particle drag coefficient as a function of particle Reynolds number.
Steam Applications using Steamdat 97
Steamdat function used to calculate a steam turbine stage and pressure reducing valve “PRV” with desuperheating.
Steam Applications using Magnus Holmgren functions
Steam and water functions used to calculate a steam turbine stage and pressure reducing valve “PRV” with desuperheating. The data used by the functions is included in the code.
Steam Desuperheater Spirax Sarco
DeSuperHeater application. An example from Spirax Sarco.
Steam Steam properties Magnus Holmgren 20 added functions
VBA functions for steam and water properties. Function data is included in the code. Added functions are approximations, not from M. Holmgren.
Steam Steam dryer Flow required in a pulp dryerm
Determination of steam requirements for a vapor driven slurry dryer. Steam and condensate pipes are defined.
Steam Steamdat functions
Steam Throttling process for steam and water Flash tank selection Tyler
Throttling processes of steam. Superheated steam, wet steam and saturated steam. Selection of a flash tank. From Tyler.
Stress Young Modulus and Thermal Expansion coefficients of steels
Steel properties as a function of the temperature.
Tank discharge
Tank discharge through a pipe and valve. Time to reach a given water level
Tank sulfuric acid storage API 650-1998 (Spanish)
Calculation report for a sulfuric acid tank.
Tank venting according API 2000
Determination of tank venting diameter, according API 2000
Valves Pressure loss in valves with gas as a fluid Normal and choked flow (SI)
Flow rate and pressure drop across valves with normal and choked flow.
Valves and fittings pressure drop coefficients
Functions for valves: Ball, Butterfly, Knife, Globe, Pinch, Diaphragm, Plug, Check.xls Fittings: Y_strainer, enlargements and reductions.
Viscosity of oils as a function of temperature
The viscosity of oils can be shown as straight lines in a Log-Nat Diagram This concept is applied to the case of Rimula 15W-40 oil, where a pair of points “viscosity – temperature” are known.
Viscosity ratio of slurries
Slurry viscosity ratio according Einstein, Thomas and Wellman.
Water hammer damper tank Hydropack example
Selection of a water_ hammer_damper_tank according Hydropack.
Water hammer Gravitational adduction
Water hammer calculation for a gravitational line.
Water hammer Method of characteristics Example solved using Visual Basic and Finite Differences
An application for a simple case consisting in a reservoir, a horizontal pipe and a valve. The water hammer problem is solved by Finite Differences and also using Visual Basic. An application example is solved with input data from a Streeter example. Results of the solution by finite differences and V.B. are in agreement with the results from Streeter example.
Water hammer Water and slurry hammer
Water hammer examples: Tyler. Water hammer in a carbon steel pipe Pehmco: Water hammer in a HDPE pipe Tsingua University: Slurry hammer in a HDPE PE80 pipe.