Trace 700 软件

TRACE 700 使建筑设计师能够根据能源利用率和生命周期成本优化建筑、系统和设备设计。 TRACE 700 的特灵软件允许用户操纵各种变量并创建其特定建筑的概况,从而有助于分析几乎任何冷水机组配置的能源和经济影响。


  • 地板下空气分配系统
  • 主动和被动冷梁系统
  • 置换通风系统
  • 可变制冷剂流量系统
  • 专用室外新风系统
  • 空侧节能器
  • 最佳停止/启动
  • 风扇压力优化
  • 基于 ASHRAE 标准 62.1/CO2 的需求控制通风 (DCV)
  • 能量回收(全能量轮、特灵 CDQ、线圈绕行回路)
  • 送风温度重置
  • 拖放房间分配
  • 最佳冷却器排序


  • 冷水机组向导(解耦布置、并联串联、可变一次流量、切换控制)
  • 热电联产
  • 热能储存
  • 直燃式吸收式制冷机
  • 小流量冷冻水
  • 自然冷却(板框式、制冷剂迁移、过滤器循环、双束热回收)
  • 带 VFD 的冷却塔
  • 冷却塔优化
  • 生活热水
  • 先进的蒸发冷却


  • 风冷/水冷冷水机组
  • 风冷/水冷一体式
  • 水源热泵
  • 地源热泵
  • 锅炉
  • 电阻热
  • 燃气热交换器


  • 默认装备
  • ASHRAE 标准 90.1-2004
  • ASHRAE 标准 90.1-2007
  • ASHRAE 标准 90.1-2010

TRACE 700 集成

  • 模板允许输入相同的房间标准一次并应用于(或更改)无限数量的房间。
  • 建筑信息模型(BIM)以从 CAD(例如 Revit)导入 gbXML 的形式,允许用户在 TRACE 700 中进行广泛的负载和能量计算。
  • 从近 500 个预定义选项中进行选择天气地点 或从 TMY、TMY2、TMY3、TRY、WY2、CEC、CTZ、CWC 和 IWEC 文件导入天气数据。 可以使用简化的年份天气文件来计算模型,以便快速获得结果,也可以根据一年中的每个小时运行全年模型。
  • ASHRAE 标准 170根据标准 170、标准 62.1 或两者的组合计算医疗机构的通风要求。
  • ASHRAE 标准 62 通风率程序在设计过程中计算要在空气处理器中引入的正确室外空气量。

TRACE 700 合规性

  • LEED 分析 能够根据 ASHRAE 标准 90.1 对建议模型和基线模型进行建模,以进行 LEED 分析。 最新版本的 TRACE 引入了新的 LEED 指南和基线建筑创建器以及 LEED 自动化,使 LEED 认证建模变得更快、更容易。

  • ANSI/ASHRAE 标准 140-2011 和 179D 商业建筑税收抵免 对于 2015 年 12 月 31 日或之前投入使用的项目 – 按照建筑能源分析计算机程序评估的标准测试方法进行测试。
  • ANSI/ASHRAE 标准 140 – 2014 和 179D 商业建筑税收抵免 对于 2016 年 1 月 1 日或之后投入使用的项目 – 按照建筑能源分析计算机程序评估的标准测试方法进行测试。


要安装和运行该程序,您需要:Pentium® 4 或更高处理器、Microsoft Windows® 7/8 操作系统、至少 1 GB 的 RAM 和 500 MB 的可用硬盘空间(如果 Microsoft 为 750 MB) .NET Framework 2.0 版尚未安装)。


What types of building systems can be optimized using TRACE 700?
TRACE 700 enables optimization of various building systems, including underfloor air distribution systems, active and passive chilled beam systems, displacement ventilation systems, variable refrigerant flow systems, dedicated outdoor air systems, and airside economizers. This comprehensive range of system types allows building designers to analyze and optimize energy utilization and life-cycle costs for a wide range of building designs and configurations.
How does TRACE 700 facilitate analysis of chiller plant configurations?

TRACE 700 allows users to manipulate a wide range of variables to create a profile of their specific building and analyze the energy and economic effects of virtually any chiller plant configuration. This enables building designers to evaluate different design options, identify opportunities for energy efficiency, and optimize system performance based on energy utilization and life-cycle costs.

What is the role of ASHRAE Standard 62.1 in TRACE 700?

ASHRAE Standard 62.1, which focuses on ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality, is integrated into TRACE 700. The software enables CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation, allowing building designers to optimize ventilation rates based on occupancy and indoor air quality requirements. This feature helps to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality.

Can TRACE 700 be used to optimize fan pressure and stop-start strategies?

Yes, TRACE 700 includes features for fan pressure optimization and optimum stop-start strategies. These features enable building designers to analyze and optimize fan energy consumption, reduce energy waste, and improve overall system efficiency. By optimizing fan pressure and stop-start strategies, building designers can reduce energy costs and extend equipment lifespan.

How does TRACE 700 account for building occupancy patterns and schedules?

TRACE 700 allows users to input building occupancy patterns and schedules, which are then used to simulate energy consumption and optimize system performance. By accounting for occupancy patterns and schedules, building designers can create more accurate energy models, identify opportunities for energy efficiency, and optimize system performance to meet the specific needs of the building and its occupants.

Can TRACE 700 be used to evaluate the economic effects of different design options?

Yes, TRACE 700 enables building designers to evaluate the economic effects of different design options, including life-cycle costs, energy costs, and maintenance costs. By analyzing the economic effects of different design options, building designers can make informed decisions about which design options to pursue and optimize system performance based on both energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
