
作为大金工业的重要子公司,麦克维尔国际在 HVAC/R 行业中占有重要地位,专注于空调、供暖、通风和制冷解决方案。 认识到该公司丰富的经验和专业知识,我们提供了麦克维尔推出的精选软件工具供下载。 这些软件工具旨在提高 HVAC/R 系统的效率和有效性,体现了麦克维尔对创新和行业领导地位的承诺。


McQuay 风管分级机

麦克维尔管道尺寸测量仪是 HVAC 专业人员的必备工具,可提供准确、高效的管道尺寸测量解决方案。 这种创新工具允许用户快速计算特定作业所需的正确管道尺寸,确保最佳性能和能源效率。 McQuay Duct Sizer 以其用户友好的界面和精确的计算而闻名,使其成为 HVAC 技术人员和工程师的首选。 无论您是设计新的 HVAC 系统还是优化现有系统,McQuay Duct Sizer 都是实现最佳气流和系统性能的必备工具。



麦克维尔声学分析仪是一款创新工具,旨在为 HVAC 系统提供精确可靠的噪声和振动数据。 这种先进的软件使工程师和技术人员能够准确预测和分析麦克维尔设备在特定应用中的声学性能。 麦克维尔声学分析仪具有用户友好的界面和全面的功能,是确保最佳 HVAC 系统性能和舒适度的重要工具。 无论您是想降低商业建筑的噪音水平还是改善住宅的声学环境,麦克维尔声学分析仪都是满足您所有 HVAC 声学需求的首选解决方案。

测量 HVAC 声级

居住者的舒适度是所有暖通空调设计师的目标。 除了温度、湿度和室内空气质量 (IAQ) 之外,声音(或噪音)也是衡量舒适度的一个关键参数。 虽然声学顾问通常参与关键应用(例如表演艺术中心),但在大多数其他应用中创建舒适的声学环境的任务落在了 HVAC 工程师身上。 这是因为大多数背景声源是由 HVAC 设备产生的。

该程序包括默认值、数据库和典型应用程序,以加快分析速度。 一旦用户对声学有了基本的了解,该程序就会非常有帮助。

McQuay 管道尺寸仪

麦克维尔管道尺寸测量仪是 HVAC 专业人员的必备工具,可提供准确、高效的管道尺寸测量解决方案。 这种创新的软件允许用户计算特定作业所需的正确管道尺寸,确保最佳的系统性能和能源效率。 McQuay Pipe Sizer 以其用户友好的界面和精确的计算而闻名,使其成为 HVAC 行业专业人士的首选。 无论您是设计新系统还是优化现有系统,McQuay Pipe Sizer 都是获得最佳结果的必备工具。


McQuay 湿度分析仪

麦克维尔湿度分析仪是一款创新工具,旨在增强 HVAC 系统设计和优化。 这种先进的软件可以对湿度过程进行准确、全面的分析,使专业人员能够就系统性能和能源效率做出明智的决策。 借助麦克维尔湿度分析仪,用户可以轻松评估空调系统、热泵和其他 HVAC 设备,确保最佳性能和节能。 该工具是寻求改进系统设计和降低能耗的 HVAC 工程师和技术人员的必备工具。



What is the primary purpose of the McQuay Duct Sizer software?
The McQuay Duct Sizer is a software tool designed to help HVAC professionals accurately size and design duct systems for air conditioning, heating, and ventilation applications. It enables users to input specific project requirements and generates detailed duct sizing calculations, ensuring that the ductwork is optimized for efficient airflow and system performance.
How does the McQuay Duct Sizer software benefit HVAC system designers and engineers?

The McQuay Duct Sizer software benefits HVAC system designers and engineers by providing a reliable and efficient means of sizing duct systems. This leads to improved system performance, reduced energy consumption, and lower installation costs. The software also saves time and reduces errors associated with manual calculations, allowing designers and engineers to focus on other critical aspects of system design.

What types of HVAC systems can be designed using the McQuay Duct Sizer software?

The McQuay Duct Sizer software is suitable for designing duct systems for a wide range of HVAC applications, including air conditioning, heating, ventilation, and refrigeration systems. It can be used for both commercial and residential projects, and is applicable to various system types, such as constant volume, variable air volume, and dedicated outdoor air systems.

Are there any specific system requirements or prerequisites for using the McQuay Duct Sizer software?

The McQuay Duct Sizer software is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to HVAC professionals with varying levels of experience. However, it is recommended that users have a basic understanding of HVAC system design principles and duct sizing calculations. Additionally, the software may require specific system specifications, such as operating pressures, airflow rates, and duct material properties, to generate accurate sizing calculations.

How does the McQuay Duct Sizer software integrate with other McQuay software tools?

The McQuay Duct Sizer software is part of a suite of software tools offered by McQuay, which are designed to work together to provide a comprehensive HVAC system design and analysis solution. The Duct Sizer software can be used in conjunction with other McQuay software tools, such as the McQuay Equipment Selector and the McQuay Psychrometric Calculator, to provide a complete and accurate system design.

What kind of support and resources are available for users of the McQuay Duct Sizer software?

McQuay provides various support resources for users of the Duct Sizer software, including user manuals, technical guides, and online tutorials. Additionally, McQuay’s customer support team is available to assist with any questions or issues related to the software. Users can also access a community of HVAC professionals and McQuay experts through online forums and discussion groups.