Scarica il libro di testo sul trasferimento di calore

Il libro è pensato per junior, senior e studenti del primo anno di laurea. E a chi sceglie di apprendere la materia da solo, e agli ingegneri praticanti che la usano come riferimento. Sia che si studi da soli o in classe, imparare significa porre le proprie domande e poi rispondere.

Un libro di testo sul trasferimento di calore di John H. Lienhard

Scarica Libro

Questa introduzione al trasferimento di calore e di massa, rivolta agli studenti di ingegneria, può essere scaricata gratuitamente. L'eBook è completamente illustrato, composto in formato PDF ricercabile, con collegamenti interni ed esterni.

Scarica il manuale delle soluzioni

Le soluzioni a più di 460 problemi si trovano nei seguenti collegamenti.


JHL IV, Università di Houston

JHL V, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


What is the target audience for this heat transfer textbook?
The target audience for this heat transfer textbook includes junior, senior, and first-year graduate students, as well as individuals who choose to learn the subject on their own and practicing engineers who use it as a reference.
What is the approach to learning emphasized in this textbook?

This textbook emphasizes a self-directed approach to learning, where students pose and answer their own questions. This approach is encouraged whether studying alone or in a class, as it facilitates a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

What features does the eBook version of this textbook offer?

The eBook version of this textbook is fully illustrated, typeset in searchable PDF format, and includes internal and external links. This makes it easy to navigate and search for specific topics or concepts.

Is the textbook suitable for beginners in heat transfer?

While the textbook is intended for junior, senior, and first-year graduate students, it can also be a valuable resource for beginners in heat transfer. The introduction to heat and mass transfer is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation for understanding the subject.

Can I use this textbook as a reference for my engineering projects?

Yes, practicing engineers can use this textbook as a reference for their projects. The textbook provides a thorough introduction to heat and mass transfer, making it a valuable resource for engineers working on projects that involve heat transfer principles.

Are there any additional resources available to supplement this textbook?

While the textbook is a comprehensive resource, students and engineers may find it helpful to supplement their learning with additional resources, such as online tutorials, videos, or practice problems. These resources can help reinforce understanding of complex concepts and provide additional practice opportunities.