Fans: The First Line Of Cooling

Fans, Just as with windchill in the winter, moving air will quickly reduce our skin temperature, especially when the evaporation of perspiration is included. Even homes that use air conditioning can benefit from the use of fans. Cooling our bodies with a fan means we can turn up the temperature for the air conditioner, and save energy overall. Different type of fans: Portable Fans, Box Or Window Fans, Ceiling Fans, Whole-House Fans, Attic Fans.
#fans #Portablefans #box
fans #CeilingFans #WholeHouseFans #AtticFans #Destratification

Air Conditioner Repaires And Maintenance

A central air system uses the same ductwork, fan, and controls as the forced-air furnace, so some of the maintenance requirements are the same. Test, adjust and balancing.
#hvac #TAB

Balanced Ventilation

Air Exchangers exchange stale indoor air with fresh air from the outside. Heat recovery ventilation (HRV) is a system that exhausts air from inside of a home and replaces it with outdoor air. Energy recovery ventilation (ERV) is a system that does everything that an HRV does with the addition of transferring moisture from the exhausted air into the air entering the home and restricting moisture from incoming air. Maintenance of Ventilation Systems

Electric Heating Systems

is any process in which electrical energy is converted to heat, including resistance and radiant electric systems. Electric Heating Systems are: Baseboard Convectors, Electric Furnaces, Electric Plenum Heaters, Radiant Electric Heating. Electric Heating Repairs and Maintenance

Boiler Repair And Maintenance

Boiler Repair and Maintenance, Boilers should be inspected on an annual basis and adjusted as needed to meet the manufacturer’s specifications in order to maintain both efficiency and safety. The following items are services that a qualified service technician should do:

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning operates on the same principles as a refrigerator. All air conditioners consist of a condenser unit, which sits outside the house and serves to condense the circulating refrigerant, thus releasing the captured heat to the outside. The actual equipment that accomplishes the “conditioning” of indoor air comes in several forms, depending on the type of distribution system in the home.


Dehumidifiers have a bucket or pan that can be periodically emptied. Most have an automatic shut-off when the container is full. Relative humidity (RH) is the amount of water vapor actually present in the air compared to the greatest amount of water vapor the air can hold at that temperature. Many dehumidifiers include a built-in humidistat

Heater And Heater Systems

Boilers are the second most common method of heating homes. Many hot water boiler systems can also provide domestic hot water for bathing, washing, etc. along with heating the house. Boiler Function in different systems: Hot Water Radiator, Hot Water Baseboard, In-Floor Hot Water, Hydronic Air Handlers,

PICV Valves Questions and Answers

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about PICV valves. Also there is another article about how PICV works and it’s advantages in this link.

Pressure Independent Control Valves (PICV)

Pressure Independent Control Valves (PICV) can help reduce energy costs and increase occupant comfort in heating and cooling coil applications in buildings. A PICV is best described as two valves in one: a standard 2-way control valve and a balancing valve.

Furnace Repair

Modern furnaces—especially high efficiency models—are more complicated than models from decades ago. The efficiency gains are due in large part to the careful balancing of fuel, combustion air, and exhaust gasses.

Flat Plate Collectors

The FPC (Flat-Plate Collectors) is the heart of any solar energy collection system designed for operation in the low-temperature range (less than 60°C) or in the medium temperature range (less than 100°C).

Solar Collectors Technologies

Solar energy is the primary light and heat resource of the Earth. It can provide eternal energy to maintain the atmosphere temperature and germinate plants. With technological developments, solar energy can be utilized more and more efficiently and economically.

Fundamental Of The Psychrometric Chart

Psychrometry is the science dealing with the physical laws of air – water mixtures.
When designing an air conditioning system, the temperature and moisture content of the air to be conditioned, and the same properties of the air needed to produce the desired air conditioning effect, must be known. Once these properties are known, the air conditioning task can be determined. This analysis can be performed using the psychrometric chart. The psychrometric chart graphically displays several physical properties of air over a broad range of conditions. Knowing the relationship of these air properties aids the task of air conditioning system design and analysis.

Friction Loss For Hvac Piping

Using the following diagrams, you can calculate the size or coefficient of friction by having the amount of water flow.
This diagram is one of the most useful diagrams used by engineers and technicians and is taken from Carrier book.

Saturated Water And Steam (Temperature-Based) Calculator And Table

Saturated Water and Steam properties (Temperature-based) calculator and table

Materials Thermal Properties Database

A comprehensive online database of thermophysical properties of materials. Including Thermal conductivity, Thermal diffusivity, Specific heat capacity, Thermal effusivity and Material density.

Hvac Coronavirus Confrontation

It is likely, but not yet shown, that COVID19 could be spread through the air.
Air cleaning can help mitigate disease transmission.
Options for air cleaning include:
HVAC systems
In-Room devices
Technologies that can be effective include:
Mechanical Air Filters
Electronic Air Filters/Air Cleaners
UV-C Systems
Other Emerging Technologies

Hvac History

A brief history of HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)

Refrigeration Cycle Diagram Explained

The thermodynamic processes in the refrigeration cycle are complex. Calculation using formulae and tables requires a considerable amount of effort due to the three different states of the refrigerant from liquid, boiling and gaseous. Therefore, for reasons of simplify cation, the log p-h diagram was introduced.

Carrier Hap Training Videos And Articles

Series of training videos and articles are designed to help users get-started and with fundamental tasks such as installation, setting preferences, utilizing the HAP building wizards and more

Refrigerant Diagrams

The idea of using a refrigerant diagram is that it makes it possible to represent the processes in the refrigeration system in such a way that analysis and evaluation of the process becomes easy.

Direct And Reverse Return Systems

Closed-loop systems can be further classified as direct return or reverse return. The direct return system allows piping to be run in the most direct path to optimize piping costs. The reverse return system is piped so that the length of the water circuit through the supply and return piping to each fan coil or air handler is essentially the same.

Water Distribution Systems

There are four main types of water distribution systems. They are defined by the number of pipes used in the system – 1-pipe, 2-pipe, 3-pipe, and 4-pipe. While this article will discuss primarily chilled water and condenser water system piping system design, it is important to understand the evolution from 1-pipe into the other three systems, all of which are used for heating as well as cooling.

Types Of Piping Systems

Understanding of the three basic types of piping systems: closed-loop, open-loop, and once-thru. Closed-Loop (Evaporator), Open-Loop (Condenser), Once-Thru.

Sheet Metal Gauge Calculator

Gauge (or gage) sizes are numbers that indicate the thickness of a piece of sheet metal, with a higher number referring to a thinner sheet. The Calculator below can be used to determine the equivalent sheet thickness, in inches or millimeters, for a gauge number from the selected gauge size standard.

Heat Rejection Techniques

A heat rejection system can take several forms. The most efficient is the evaporative cooling tower which uses the cooling effect of evaporating water to boost the cooling provided by fresh air.

Heating Load Factors

Heating Load Factors for HVAC desgn. Safety Factors, Heating Load Credits, Heating System Selection Guidelines and ASHRAE Standard 90.1.

Cooling Load Factors

Diversity factors are an engineer’s judgement applied to various people, lighting, equipment, and total loads to consider actual usage.

Fuel Conversion Factors

Fuel Conversion Factors for Electric Baseboard to Hydronic Baseboard, Electric Furnace to Hydronic Baseboard, Ceiling Cable to Hydronic Baseboard, Heat Pump to Hydronic Baseboard, Electric Baseboard to Warm Air Furnace, Electric Furnace to Fuel-Fired Furnace, Ceiling Cable to Warm Air Furnace, Heat Pump to Warm Air Furnace, Warm Air Systems to Hydronic Baseboard System.