Stage Pumps

Stage pumps are an essential component of many industrial and commercial operations. They are designed to efficiently move water, oil, and other liquids from one place to another. Stage pumps are highly reliable, robust, and can be used in a wide variety of applications. They are also cost-effective, energy-efficient, and easy to maintain, making them a popular choice for businesses looking for a reliable and efficient pumping solution.

In HVAC/R & Solar systems, single-stage pumps are used for cooling tower water circulation, make-up water to water systems, and glycol-water mixture circulation. These pumps can also be used to control the water level in tanks and basins. With proper selection and sizing, single-stage pumps are reliable, cost-effective solutions for many HVAC/R & Solar applications. Single-stage pumps have a simple construction and are easy to operate and maintain, making them a great choice for many HVAC/R & Solar professionals.

Pump Construction (Part2)

In the continuation of the investigation of the building and types of pumps, this post. The centrifugal pump has several characteristics and in this section, we will present the most important ones. Later on in this part we will give a more thorough description of the different pump types.

Pump Construction (Part1)

In 1689 the physicist Denis Papin invented the centrifugal pump and today this kind of pump is the most used around the world. The centrifugal pump is built on a simple principle: Liquid is led to the impeller hub and by means of the centrifugal force it is flung towards the periphery of the impellers. The construction is fairly inexpensive, robust and simple and its high speed makes it possible to connect the pump directly to an asynchronous motor.

Parallel Chiller System

Chilled water is circulated by the chilled water or primary pump through both chillers to the load and back to the chillers. The chilled water loop can
be either constant flow or variable flow. Variable flow systems increase the complexity but offer significant pump work savings. They also resolve the issue about chiller sequencing that occurs with parallel chillers, constant flow.
To provide some redundancy in the HVAC design, most designers will require two or more chillers. Multiple chillers also offer the opportunity to improve on overall system part load performance and
reduce energy consumption. Parallel chiller plants are straightforward to design and are easily
modified for variable primary flow.

Silencer Types And Applications (HVAC)

Selection of quieter equipment can eliminate many noise problems before they even begin. Treatment options along the path are the next best option and can include silencers, barriers, absorption, lagging, or other options. The last resort is typically treatment at the receiver, with hearing protection for loud occupational exposure.

Carrier Plv Pro Download

Carrier’s PLV Pro is a software tool that empowers consulting engineers to make objective and informed decisions about their chiller plant design that go beyond Full Load and IPLV metrics. Results are provided in a professional report or .csv format for further analysis. The tool is for professionals who need a quick and free-of-charge alternative to detailed energy modeling analyses.

Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems

Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems are the most widely used types of HVAC air systems for medium- and large-sized commercial building projects (projects larger than 10,000 ft2) because VAV systems are flexible, energy efficient, and provide a comfortable indoor environment. VAV systems deliver variable supply airflow at a constant temperature (typically 55°F) through the primary air duct to multiple VAV terminal units, each of which serves a separate temperature zone. Each VAV terminal unit contains a motor-operated damper that modulates the primary airflow to the zone, an inlet airflow sensor, and, in some instances, a heating coil and a small recirculating air fan.

Constant Air Volume (CAV) Systems

HVAC air systems can be either centralized or decentralized. Centralized air systems receive their cooling and heating energy from a remote central plant. Decentralized HVAC air systems contain the central heating and cooling plant equipment within the air system itself. HVAC air systems can also be constant air volume (CAV) or variable air volume (VAV). CAV systems deliver constant supply airflow at a variable temperature. VAV systems deliver variable supply airflow at a constant temperature. CAV and VAV air systems can be further subdivided into systems that condition a single temperature zone and systems that condition multiple temperature zones.

Cooling Towers (Capacity Control)

Free cooling systems can generate significant savings for the owners of such systems. However, the amount of potential energy savings available depends almost totally on the overall system design and on the selection of equipment for use in the system. In general, the designer must balance higher equipment cost with greater opportunity for energy savings. Fortunately, these savings — and their associated costs —are reasonably quantifiable so that designers can make intelligent choices guided by reliable information. This article will describe Capacity Control Methods in free cooling design schemes.

Cooling Towers (Free Cooling Operation)

Cooling towers are used to dissipate heat from air conditioning or industrial process systems. Many of the air conditioning systems currently in use only operate during the summer cooling season, but there are numerous air conditioning and process systems that require cooling year-round. In some cases, the entire cooling system is required to operate during the winter. The cooling tower is required to provide the same 85° F (30° C) or colder water to the system as it does in the summer, but it does so at lower ambient temperatures. However, there are some applications designed to use the cooling tower for “free cooling”. Free cooling is when chilled water is cooled by cooling tower water through the use of heat exchangers without the use of refrigerant compressors. Free cooling can be accomplished when ambient conditions allow the cooling tower to produce “chilled water” for the system.

Maintaining And Cleaning Stainless Steel

Stainless steel provides its superior corrosion resistance by developing a surface film of chromium oxide during the manufacturing process. In order to ensure maximum corrosion protection, stainless steel must be kept clean and have an adequate supply of oxygen to combine with the chromium in the stainless steel to form “chromium-oxide”, a protective passivation layer. Stainless steel is the most cost effective material of construction available to extend the life of a cooling tower, closed circuit cooler or evaporative condenser in HVAC-R industry.

Carrier Revit Files

CARRIER Autodesk® REVIT® 3D Templates:

– Airside
– Chillers
– Ductless Systems
– Packaged Indoor
– Packaged Outdoor
– Split Systems
– Variable Refrigerant Flow

Refrigerant Ph Diagram (Part 2)

This article is a continuation of our older article, which was well received by users, so we decided to update the P-H Diagram list and provide you with a more complete list of the world’s commercial refrigerants.
You can easily access the high quality refrigerant chart by clicking on the refrigerants listed in the table.

Pack Calculation Pro Software Download

The application compares different systems based on a geographical location. Pack Calculation Pro is designed to compare different system designs, control strategies and refrigerants for your refrigeration or heat pump project, by calculating yearly energy consumption, as well as Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI).

Cooltools Software Download

– Cycle analysis (process design) – comparison of one stage direct expansion cycle and one stage flooded cycle.
– System sizing – calculation of component sizes from general criteria.
– System simulation – calculating operating conditions in a system with known components.
Component calculations – calculation of – components efficiencies and outlet conditions.
– Evaluation of operation – evaluation of system efficiency.
– Process investigation – e.g. moist air calculations.

Coolpack Software Download

– Cycle analysis (process design)
– System sizing
– System simulation
– Component calculations
– Analysis of operating conditions
– Transient simulation (cooling of an object/room)
– Refrigerant calculations (property plots, thermodynamic & transport properties, comparison of refrigerants)
– Life cycle cost (LCC)

Datacenter Liquid Cooling Methods

A variety of liquids could be considered for Data Center applications.
When liquids are employed within separate cooling loops that do not communicate thermally, the system is considered to be air cooling. The most obvious illustration covers the chilled-water CRACs that are usually deployed at the periphery of many of today’s data centers. At the other end of the scale, the use of heat pipes or pumped loops inside a computer, wherein the liquid remains inside a closed loop within the server, also qualifies as air-cooled electronics, provided the heat is removed from the internal closed loop via airflow through the electronic equipment chassis.

Refrigerant Piping (Part1)

Good piping design results in a balance between the initial cost, pressure drop, and system reliability. The initial cost is impacted by the diameter and layout of the piping. The pressure drop in the piping must be minimized to avoid adversely affecting performance and capacity. Because almost all field-piped systems have compressor oil passing through the refrigeration circuit and back to the compressor, a minimum velocity must be maintained in the piping so that sufficient oil is returned to the compressor sump at full and part load conditions.
Several HVAC systems require field refrigeration piping to be designed and installed on-site. Examples include Condensing units, Direct expansion (DX) coil in air handlers, Remote evaporators with air-cooled chillers and Chiller with a remote air-cooled condensers. This Guide covers R-22, R-407C, R-410A, and R-134a used in commercial air conditioning systems.

4-Pipe And 2-Pipe Heating And Cooling Plants

A 4-pipe heating and cooling plant contains both central heating and cooling equipment and is capable of delivering heating water and chilled water to the building simultaneously through four pipes (one heating water supply, one heating water return, one chilled water supply, and one chilled water return). Heating and cooling equipment within the building that is connected to a 4-pipe system will have four pipe connections, unless the equipment provides either heating only or cooling only. In this case, the equipment would have only two pipe connections.

Hvac Component Start Up

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Airconditioning) component start-up procedures describe how to start the operation of each component. They specify the methods to be used and the checks that are needed. Start-ups and related measurements are carried out by the contractor. Commissioning provider assists the contractor in the beginning of each start-up process and reviews that no systematic errors are made.

Primary Secondary Pumping

– What is Primary-Secondary Pumping?

Expansion Tank Sizing Formulas

Expansion tanks are a necessary part of all closed hydronic systems to control both minimum and maximum pressure throughout the system. A comprehensive review of tank types and sizing procedure for expansion tanks.

Expansion Tanks

How does Boyle’s law relate to sizing expansion tanks in domestic hot water systems?
what size expansion tank is required?

Hvac Equations (U.S./Metric)

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equations. In both U.S. and Metric units.

Pump Sizing Core Concepts

Pump sizing involves matching the flow and pressure rating of a pump with the flowrate and pressure required for the process. The mass flowrate of the system is established on the process flow diagram by the mass balance. Achieving this mass flowrate requires a pump that can generate a pressure high enough to overcome the hydraulic resistance of the system of pipes, valves, and so on that the liquid must travel through. This hydraulic resistance is known as the system head.

Non Vapour Compression Cycles

Although work is underway to develop alternative refrigerants and improve refrigerant management strategies, the phase-down of HFCs will impose constraints on vaporcompression equipment that will require trade-offs among cost, efficiency, and safety. These constraints could present market opportunities for alternative space-conditioning technologies. Alternative technologies based on their development status (some technologies are in very early stages of development), potential for energy savings, and other factors that may affect their ability to compete with vapor-compression systems.

Chilled Beam Selection

There are many different designs of chilled beams on the market, which makes the selection and comparison between product types and manufacturers difficult. However, there are technical details that can be compared when making a chilled beam selection.
There are four main steps that should be taken into account when selecting chilled beams

Radiant Chilled Ceiling Selection

There are a number of types of radiant chilled ceilings on the market. Ensuring good thermal conductivity between the cooling element and the other parts of the radiant chilled ceilings is important to ensure maximum performance. The cooling capacity of chilled ceilings is one of the major selection criteria.

Typical Piping For Steam Heating

The piping and radiator connections shown in this section are diagrammatic and illustrate the proper method of making piping connections in steam heating processes.
– Two pipe steam systems radiator connections
– Piping connections for unit heaters (steam)
– Two pipe– #steam trap installations
– Two Pipe Steam Systems Convector Connections
– Exposed #Pipe #Coils– Two Pipe Steam
– One pipe #steam systems radiator connections
– One pipe steam systems #convector connections
– One pipe steam systems convector connections

Steam Trap Explained Totally

There are many types of steam traps each having its unique characteristics and system benefits. Deciding which type of trap to use is sometimes confusing and, in many cases, more than one type can be used. The following is intended to point out system conditions that may be encountered and the characteristics of each type of trap.
Steam Trap – Operation, Advantages, Disadvantages And Primary Applications